Hans Martin Hanslin
Hans Martin Hanslin
Researcher at The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
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Plant species differences in particulate matter accumulation on leaf surfaces
A Sæbø, R Popek, B Nawrot, HM Hanslin, H Gawronska, SW Gawronski
Science of the Total Environment 427, 347-354, 2012
Accumulation of particulate matter and trace elements on vegetation as affected by pollution level, rainfall and the passage of time
A Przybysz, A Sæbø, HM Hanslin, SW Gawroński
Science of the Total Environment 481, 360-369, 2014
Green roof performance potential in cold and wet regions
BG Johannessen, HM Hanslin, TM Muthanna
Ecological Engineering 106, 436-447, 2017
Particulate matter and element accumulation on coniferous trees at different distances from a highway
J Mori, HM Hanslin, G Burchi, A Sæbø
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14 (1), 170-177, 2015
Deposition of traffic-related air pollutants on leaves of six evergreen shrub species during a Mediterranean summer season
J Mori, A Sæbø, HM Hanslin, A Teani, F Ferrini, A Fini, G Burchi
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14 (2), 264-273, 2015
Salinity tolerance during germination of seashore halophytes and salt-tolerant grass cultivars
HM Hanslin, T Eggen
Seed Science Research 15 (1), 43-50, 2005
Nitrogen uptake from prey and substrate as affected by prey capture level and plant reproductive status in four carnivorous plant species
HM Hanslin, PS Karlsson
Oecologia 106, 370-375, 1996
Testing for positive density‐dependent performance in four bryophyte species
B Pedersen, HM Hanslin, S Bakken
Ecology 82 (1), 70-88, 2001
The multifunctionality concept in urban green infrastructure planning: A systematic literature review
M Korkou, AKM Tarigan, HM Hanslin
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 85, 127975, 2023
Root growth plasticity to drought in seedlings of perennial grasses
HM Hanslin, A Bischoff, KA Hovstad
Plant and Soil 440, 551-568, 2019
Timothy regrowth, tillering and leaf area dynamics following spring harvest at two growth stages
M Höglind, HM Hanslin, M Van Oijen
Field Crops Research 93 (1), 51-63, 2005
Photosynthesis of Lolium perenne L. at low temperatures under low irradiances
M Höglind, HM Hanslin, LM Mortensen
Environmental and experimental botany 70 (2-3), 297-304, 2011
Prey capture by three Pinguicula species in a subarctic environment
PS Karlsson, LM Thorén, HM Hanslin
Oecologia 99, 188-193, 1994
Estimation of oxygen concentration in the soil gas phase beneath compost mulch by means of a simple method
HM Hanslin, A Sæbø, O Bergersen
Urban forestry & urban greening 4 (1), 37-40, 2005
Process‐based modeling of timothy regrowth
M van Oijen, M Höglind, HM Hanslin, N Caldwell
Agronomy Journal 97 (5), 1295-1303, 2005
Impacts of roads on bird species richness: A meta-analysis considering road types, habitats and feeding guilds
SB Kroeger, HM Hanslin, T Lennartsson, M D'Amico, J Kollmann, ...
Science of The Total Environment 812, 151478, 2022
The impact of watering regime and ambient relative humidity on the effect of density on growth in two boreal forest mosses, Dicranum majus and Rhytidiadelphus loreus
HM Hanslin, S Bakken, B Pedersen
Journal of Bryology 23 (1), 43-54, 2001
Seasonal dynamics of biomass increase and shoot elongation in five co-occurring boreal forest bryophytes
HM Hanslin
Journal of Bryology 21 (1), 5-15, 1999
Differences in winter‐hardening between phenotypes of Lolium perenne with contrasting water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations
HM Hanslin, M Höglind
Grass and Forage Science 64 (2), 187-195, 2009
Suppression of an invasive legume by a native grass—High impact of priority effects
M Lang, HM Hanslin, J Kollmann, T Wagner
Basic and Applied Ecology 22, 20-27, 2017
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