Blood vessel segmentation methodologies in retinal images–a survey MM Fraz, P Remagnino, A Hoppe, B Uyyanonvara, AR Rudnicka, ... Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108 (1), 407-433, 2012 | 1281 | 2012 |
An ensemble classification-based approach applied to retinal blood vessel segmentation MM Fraz, P Remagnino, A Hoppe, B Uyyanonvara, AR Rudnicka, ... IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 59 (9), 2538-2548, 2012 | 1089 | 2012 |
Automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy exudates from non-dilated retinal images using mathematical morphology methods A Sopharak, B Uyyanonvara, S Barman, TH Williamson Computerized medical imaging and graphics 32 (8), 720-727, 2008 | 553 | 2008 |
An approach to localize the retinal blood vessels using bit planes and centerline detection MM Fraz, SA Barman, P Remagnino, A Hoppe, A Basit, B Uyyanonvara, ... Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108 (2), 600-616, 2012 | 440 | 2012 |
Automatic exudate detection from non-dilated diabetic retinopathy retinal images using fuzzy c-means clustering A Sopharak, B Uyyanonvara, S Barman sensors 9 (3), 2148-2161, 2009 | 368 | 2009 |
Machine learning approach to automatic exudate detection in retinal images from diabetic patients A Sopharak, MN Dailey, B Uyyanonvara, S Barman, T Williamson, ... Journal of Modern optics 57 (2), 124-135, 2010 | 169 | 2010 |
Simple hybrid method for fine microaneurysm detection from non-dilated diabetic retinopathy retinal images A Sopharak, B Uyyanonvara, S Barman Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 37 (5-6), 394-402, 2013 | 159* | 2013 |
Quantification of posterior capsular opacification in digital images after cataract surgery SA Barman, EJ Hollick, JF Boyce, DJ Spalton, B Uyyanonvara, ... Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 41 (12), 3882-3892, 2000 | 131 | 2000 |
Automatic exudate detection with a naive Bayes classifier A Sopharak, KT Nwe, YA Moe, MN Dailey, B Uyyanonvara International conference on embedded systems and intelligent technology, 139-142, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
A survey on hemorrhage detection in diabetic retinopathy retinal images P Jitpakdee, P Aimmanee, B Uyyanonvara 2012 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics …, 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
Automatic exudates detection from diabetic retinopathy retinal image using fuzzy c-means and morphological methods A Sopharak, B Uyyanonvara Conf. on Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 359-364, 2007 | 67 | 2007 |
Automatic retinal vessel tortuosity measurement using curvature of improved chain code D Onkaew, R Turior, B Uyyanonvara, N Akinori, C Sinthanayothin International conference on electrical, control and computer engineering …, 2011 | 64 | 2011 |
Novel fast color reduction algorithm for time-constrained applications K Kanjanawanishkul, B Uyyanonvara Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 16 (3), 311-332, 2005 | 61 | 2005 |
Color image quantization using distances between adjacent colors along the color axis with highest color variance Y Sirisathitkul, S Auwatanamongkol, B Uyyanonvara Pattern Recognition Letters 25 (9), 1025-1043, 2004 | 57 | 2004 |
Automatic acne detection for medical treatment T Chantharaphaichi, B Uyyanonvara, C Sinthanayothin, A Nishihara 2015 6th International Conference of Information and Communication …, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
A supervised method for retinal blood vessel segmentation using line strength, multiscale Gabor and morphological features MM Fraz, P Remagnino, A Hoppe, S Velastin, B Uyyanonvara, ... 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
Retinal vessel extraction using first-order derivative of Gaussian and morphological processing MM Fraz, P Remagnino, A Hoppe, B Uyyanonvara, CG Owen, ... Advances in Visual Computing: 7th International Symposium, ISVC 2011, Las …, 2011 | 47 | 2011 |
A survey of blob detection algorithms for biomedical images KTM Han, B Uyyanonvara 2016 7th International Conference of Information and Communication …, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Parameter-free optic disc detection C Duanggate, B Uyyanonvara, SS Makhanov, S Barman, T Williamson Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 35 (1), 51-63, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Automatic extraction of the structure of the retinal blood vessel network of premature infants A Fielder, K Cocker J Med Assoc Thai 90 (9), 1780-92, 2007 | 38 | 2007 |