Mattia Nardotto
Mattia Nardotto
Associate Professor, KU Leuven
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Internet and politics: Evidence from UK local elections and local government policies
A Gavazza, M Nardotto, T Valletti
The Review of Economic Studies 86 (5), 2092-2135, 2019
Effective reminders
G Calzolari, M Nardotto
Management Science 63 (9), 2915-2932, 2017
Unbundling the incumbent: Evidence from UK broadband
M Nardotto, T Valletti, F Verboven
Journal of the European Economic Association 13 (2), 330-362, 2015
Broadband internet and social capital
A Geraci, M Nardotto, T Reggiani, F Sabatini
Journal of Public Economics 206, 104578, 2022
Mums go online: Is the internet changing the demand for health care?
S Amaral-Garcia, M Nardotto, C Propper, T Valletti
Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (6), 1157-1173, 2022
Nudging with information: a randomized field experiment on reminders and feedback
G Calzolari, M Nardotto
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP8571, 2011
Nudging with information: A randomized field experiment
G Calzolari, M Nardotto
Available at SSRN 1924901, 2011
Cooperation or competition? A field experiment on non-monetary learning incentives
M Bigoni, M Fort, M Nardotto, TG Reggiani
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 15 (4), 1753-1792, 2015
A retrospective study of state aid control in the German Broadband market
T Duso, M Nardotto, J Seldeslachts
DIW Discussion Papers, 2024
Identity, media and consumer behavior
M Nardotto, S Sequeira
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP15765, 2021
Broadband and productivity: Structural estimates for Germany
T Duso, M Nardotto, A Schiersch
DIW Berlin Discussion Paper, 2021
Identity, Media and Consumer Behavior
S Sequiera, M Nardotto
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2021
Internet and health choices: Evidence from the uk
S Amaral-Garcia, M Nardotto, C Propper, T Valletti
DIW Berlin, mimeo, 2017
The Economic Impact of Competition Policy Enforcement on the Functioning of Telecom Markets in the EU
J Allen, P Buccirossi, T Duso, F Fradella, A Marrazzo, M Nardotto, S Nava, ...
European Commission, 2017
Stable Naïve and Math Sophisticated: a Detailed Field Study on Overconfidence
M Nardotto
Essays in Behavioral Economics, Dissertation thesis, 2011
Nudging with reminders: A field experiment
G Calzolari, M Nardotto
Management Science, 2015
Teams or tournaments? A field experiment on cooperation and competition in academic achievement
M Bigoni, M Fort, M Nardotto, T Reggiani
Quaderni DSE Working Paper, 2011
Internet and politics: Evidence from uk local elections and local government
M Nardotto, A Gavazza, T Valletti
The Review of Economic Studies, 2018
Teams or Tournaments?
M Bigoni, M Fort, M Nardotto, T Reggiani
A field experiment on cooperation and competition in academic achievement, 2011
Teams or tournaments? A field experiment on cooperation and competition among university students
M Bigoni, M Fort, M Nardotto, T Reggiani
IZA Discussion Paper, 2011
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