Matthias Söllner
Matthias Söllner
Full Professor and Chair for Information Systems and Systems Engineering at University of Kassel
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Cited by
Hybrid intelligence
D Dellermann, P Ebel, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
Business & Information Systems Engineering 61 (5), 637-643, 2019
Machines as teammates: A research agenda on AI in team collaboration
I Seeber, E Bittner, RO Briggs, T De Vreede, GJ De Vreede, A Elkins, ...
Information & management 57 (2), 103174, 2020
Unleashing the potential of chatbots in education: A state-of-the-art analysis
R Winkler, M Söllner
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 15903, 2018
AI-based digital assistants: Opportunities, threats, and research perspectives
A Maedche, C Legner, A Benlian, B Berger, H Gimpel, T Hess, O Hinz, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 61, 535-544, 2019
Why different trust relationships matter for information systems users
M Söllner, A Hoffmann, JM Leimeister
European Journal of Information Systems 25 (3), 274-287, 2016
Sara, the lecturer: Improving learning in online education with a scaffolding-based conversational agent
R Winkler, S Hobert, A Salovaara, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Understanding the Formation of Trust in IT Artifacts
M Söllner, A Hoffmann, H Hoffmann, A Wacker, JM Leimeister
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2012
Capturing the complexity of gamification elements: a holistic approach for analysing existing and deriving novel gamification designs
SM Schöbel, A Janson, M Söllner
European Journal of Information Systems 29 (6), 641-668, 2020
Value co-creation in smart services: a functional affordances perspective on smart personal assistants
R Knote, A Janson, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 2020, 418-458, 2020
Classifying smart personal assistants: An empirical cluster analysis
R Knote, A Janson, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hamilton Library, ScholarSpace, 2019
ArgueTutor: An adaptive dialog-based learning system for argumentation skills
T Wambsganss, T Kueng, M Soellner, JM Leimeister
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
AL: An adaptive learning support system for argumentation skills
T Wambsganss, C Niklaus, M Cetto, M Söllner, S Handschuh, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Enhancing problem-solving skills with smart personal assistant technology
R Winkler, M Söllner, JM Leimeister
Computers & Education 165, 104148, 2021
Ladders for learning: is scaffolding the key to teaching problem-solving in technology-mediated learning contexts?
A Janson, M Sӧllner, JM Leimeister
Academy of Management Learning & Education 19 (4), 439-468, 2020
The What and How of Smart Personal Assistants: Principles and Application Domains for IS Research.
R Knote, A Janson, L Eigenbrod, M Söllner
MKWI, 1083-1094, 2018
A research agenda for the why, what, and how of gamification designs: Outcomes of an ECIS 2019 panel
S Schöbel, A Janson, K Jahn, B Kordyaka, O Turetken, N Djafarova, ...
Communications of the association for information systems 46, 706-721, 2020
Machines as teammates: a collaboration research agenda
I Seeber, E Bittner, RO Briggs, GJ De Vreede, T De Vreede, ...
Process is king: Evaluating the performance of technology-mediated learning in vocational software training
M Söllner, P Bitzer, A Janson, JM Leimeister
Journal of Information Technology 33 (3), 233-253, 2018
What We Really Know About Antecedents of Trust: A Critical Review of the Empirical Information Systems Literature on Trust
M Söllner, JM Leimeister
Psychology of Trust: New Research, 127-155, 2013
Alexa, can you help us solve this problem? How conversations with smart personal assistant tutors increase task group outcomes
R Winkler, M Söllner, ML Neuweiler, F Conti Rossini, JM Leimeister
Extended abstracts of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing …, 2019
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Articles 1–20