Rune Jørgen Sørensen
Rune Jørgen Sørensen
Professor of political economy, Department of Economics, Norwegian Business School - BI
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Does dispersed public ownership impair efficiency? The case of refuse collection in Norway
RJ Sørensen
Public administration 85 (4), 1045-1058, 2007
Type of contract and supplier-induced demand for primary physicians in Norway
J Grytten, R Sørensen
Journal of health economics 20 (3), 379-393, 2001
Practice variation and physician-specific effects
J Grytten, R Sørensen
Journal of health economics 22 (3), 403-418, 2003
Kommunal organisering: effektivitet, styring og demokrati
TP Hagen, RJ Sørensen
Universitetsforl., 2006
Local government consolidations: The impact of political transaction costs
RJ Sørensen
Public choice 127 (1), 75-95, 2006
Competition and supplier‐induced demand in a health care system with fixed fees
R J. Sørensen, J Grytten
Health Economics 8 (6), 497-508, 1999
Service production and contract choice in primary physician services
RJ Sørensen, J Grytten
Health policy 66 (1), 73-93, 2003
The power of parties: evidence from close municipal elections in Norway
JH Fiva, O Folke, RJ Sørensen
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 120 (1), 3-30, 2018
Does aging affect preferences for welfare spending? A study of peoples' spending preferences in 22 countries, 1985–2006
RJ Sørensen
European Journal of Political Economy 29, 259-271, 2013
Supplier inducement in a public health care system
J Grytten, F Carlsen, R Sørensen
Journal of Health Economics 14 (2), 207-229, 1995
The demand for local government goods: The impact of parties, committees, and public sector politicians
RJ Sørensen
European Journal of Political Research 27 (1), 119-141, 1995
Political competition, party polarization, and government performance
RJ Sørensen
Public Choice 161, 427-450, 2014
Do parties matter for local revenue policies? A comparison of Denmark and Norway
J Blom‐Hansen, LC Monkerud, R Sørensen
European Journal of Political Research 45 (3), 445-465, 2006
Competition and dental services
J Grytten, R Sørensen
Health Economics 9 (5), 447-461, 2000
Geographical redistribution with disproportional representation: A politico-economic model of Norwegian road projects
L Helland, RJ Sørensen
Public Choice 139 (1), 5-19, 2009
The political economy of intergovernmental grants: The Norwegian case
RJ Sørensen
European journal of political Research 42 (2), 163-195, 2003
The impact of women above the political glass ceiling: Evidence from a Norwegian executive gender quota reform
B Geys, RJ Sørensen
Electoral Studies 60, 102050, 2019
Educated mothers, healthy infants. The impact of a school reform on the birth weight of Norwegian infants 1967–2005
J Grytten, I Skau, RJ Sørensen
Social science & medicine 105, 84-92, 2014
En effektiv offentlig sektor: organisering, styring og ledelse i stat og kommune
RJ Sørensen
Universitetsforl., 2018
Smått og godt? Kommunestørrelse, ressurser og tilfredshet med det kommunale tjenestetilbudet
LC Monkerud, RJ Sørensen
Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 26 (4), 265-295, 2011
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