Asier Minondo
Asier Minondo
Professor of Economics, Deusto Business School, University of Deusto (Spain)
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The emergence of new industries at the regional level in Spain. A proximity approach based on product-relatedness
R Boschma, A Minondo, M Navarro
Economic Geography, 2013
Related variety and regional growth in Spain
R Boschma, A Minondo, M Navarro
Papers in Regional Science 91 (2), 241-257, 2012
Do differences in the exposure to Chinese imports lead to differences in local labour market outcomes? An analysis for Spanish provinces
V Donoso, V Martín, A Minondo
Regional Studies 49 (10), 1746-1764, 2015
Exports' quality-adjusted productivity and economic growth
A Minondo
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 19 (2), 257-287, 2010
Neighbour regions as the source of new industries
R Boschma, V Martín, A Minondo
Papers in Regional Science 96 (2), 227-246, 2017
Networks and the disappearance of the intranational home bias
A Garmendia, C Llano, A Minondo, F Requena
Economic Letters, 178-182, 2012
Impact of COVID-19 on the trade of goods and services in Spain
A Minondo
Applied Economic Analysis 29 (85), 58-76, 2021
The extensive and intensive margins of Spanish trade
J de Lucio, R Mínguez-Fuentes, A Minondo, F Requena-Silvente
International Review of Applied Economics 25 (5), 615-631, 2011
Geography, ties, and knowledge flows: Evidence from citations in mathematics
K Head, YA Li, A Minondo
Review of Economics and Statistics 101 (4), 713-727, 2019
Does comparative advantage explain countries’ diversification level?
A Minondo
Review of World Economics 147 (3), 1-20, 2011
Is the Border Effect an Artefact of Geographical Aggregation?
C Llano‐Verduras, A Minondo, F Requena‐Silvente
The World Economy 34 (10), 1771-1787, 2011
Impact of Covid-19 containment measures on trade
J de Lucio, R Mínguez, A Minondo, F Requena
International Review of Economics & Finance 80, 766-778, 2022
Movimientos migratorios en España antes y después de 2008
A Minondo Uribe-Echevarría, FR Silvente, GS Domingo
Papeles de economía española, 80-97, 2013
Especialización productiva y crecimiento en los países de renta media
A Minondo
Estudios Empresariales, 20-32, 2011
The Intensive and Extensive Margins of Trade: Decomposing exports growth differences across Spanish regions
A Minondo, F Requena
Investigaciones Regionales, 53-76, 2012
The effect of outsourcing on the demand for skills in the Spanish manufacturing industry
A Minondo, G Rubert
Applied Economics Letters 13 (9), 599-604, 2006
La evolución del" outsourcing" en el sector manufacturero
G Rubert Adelantado, A Minondo Uribe-Echevarría
Boletín económico de ICE, Información Comercial Española, 11-20, 2001
The relationship between export status and productivity in services: a firm-level analysis for Spain
A Minondo
Bulletin of Economic Research, 2014
Does complexity explain the structure of trade?
A Minondo, F Requena‐Silvente
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 46 (3), 928-955, 2013
La especialización vertical en el comercio internacional de España
G Rubert Adelantado, A Minondo Uribe-Echevarría
Información Comercial Española, ICE: Revista de economía, 117-128, 2002
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Articles 1–20