Dirk De Clercq
Dirk De Clercq
Distinguished Professor of Management, Goodman School of Business, Brock University
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Human capital, social capital, and innovation: a multi-country study
M Dakhli, D De Clercq
Entrepreneurship & regional development 16 (2), 107-128, 2004
Institutional context and the allocation of entrepreneurial effort
HP Bowen, D De Clercq
Journal of international business studies 39, 747-767, 2008
A network-based approach on opportunity recognition
P Arenius, D De Clercq
Small business economics 24, 249-265, 2005
The moderating impact of internal social exchange processes on the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship
D De Clercq, D Dimov, NT Thongpapanl
Journal of business venturing 25 (1), 87-103, 2010
The role of knowledge in business start-up activity
D De Clercq, P Arenius
International small business journal 24 (4), 339-358, 2006
The internationalization of small and medium-sized firms
D De Clercq, HJ Sapienza, H Crijns
Small business economics 24, 409-419, 2005
Learning and knowledge in early internationalization research: Past accomplishments and future directions
D De Clercq, HJ Sapienza, RI Yavuz, L Zhou
Journal of business venturing 27 (1), 143-165, 2012
An entrepreneur's guide to the venture capital galaxy
D De Clercq, VH Fried, O Lehtonen, HJ Sapienza
Academy of Management Perspectives 20 (3), 90-112, 2006
The moderating effect of institutional context on the relationship between associational activity and new business activity in emerging economies
D De Clercq, WM Danis, M Dakhli
International Business Review 19 (1), 85-101, 2010
Toward a practice perspective of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial legitimacy as habitus
D De Clercq, M Voronov
International small business journal 27 (4), 395-419, 2009
Organizational social capital, formalization, and internal knowledge sharing in entrepreneurial orientation formation
D De Clercq, D Dimov, N Thongpapanl
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 37 (3), 505-537, 2013
Individual–level resources and new business activity: The contingent role of institutional context
D De Clercq, DSK Lim, CH Oh
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 37 (2), 303-330, 2013
Servant leadership and work engagement: The contingency effects of leader–follower social capital
D De Clercq, D Bouckenooghe, U Raja, G Matsyborska
Human Resource Development Quarterly 25 (2), 183-212, 2014
The roles of learning orientation and passion for work in the formation of entrepreneurial intention
D De Clercq, B Honig, B Martin
International small business journal 31 (6), 652-676, 2013
Internal knowledge development and external knowledge access in venture capital investment performance
D De Clercq, D Dimov
Journal of management studies 45 (3), 585-612, 2008
Antecedents of international and domestic learning effort
HJ Sapienza, D De Clercq, WR Sandberg
Journal of Business Venturing 20 (4), 437-457, 2005
Effects of Relational Capital and Commitment on Venture Capitalists' Perception of Portfolio Company Performance
D De Clerq, HJ Sapienza
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial …, 2006
Organizational commitment in Mexican small and medium‐sized firms: the role of work status, organizational climate, and entrepreneurial orientation
D De Clercq, IB Rius
Journal of small business management 45 (4), 467-490, 2007
Venture capital investment strategy and portfolio failure rate: A longitudinal study
D Dimov, D De Clercq
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 30 (2), 207-223, 2006
Sustainability in entrepreneurship: A tale of two logics
D De Clercq, M Voronov
International Small Business Journal 29 (4), 322-344, 2011
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