Demetrios Vakratsas
Demetrios Vakratsas
Professor of Marketing and Bensadoun School of Retail Management Scholar, McGill University
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How advertising works: what do we really know?
D Vakratsas, T Ambler
Journal of marketing 63 (1), 26-43, 1999
The shape of advertising response functions revisited: A model of dynamic probabilistic thresholds
D Vakratsas, FM Feinberg, FM Bass, G Kalyanaram
Marketing Science 23 (1), 109-119, 2004
A dual-market diffusion model for a new prescription pharmaceutical
D Vakratsas, C Kolsarici
International Journal of Research in Marketing 25 (4), 282-293, 2008
Artificial intelligence in advertising creativity
D Vakratsas, X Wang
Journal of Advertising 50 (1), 39-51, 2020
A look at the long-run effectiveness of multimedia advertising and its implications for budget allocation decisions
D Vakratsas, Z Ma
Journal of Advertising Research 45 (2), 241-254, 2005
Category-versus brand-level advertising messages in a highly regulated environment
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (6), 1078-1089, 2010
An empirical analysis of follower entry timing decisions
D Vakratsas, RC Rao, G Kalyanaram
Marketing Letters 14, 203-216, 2003
The anatomy of the advertising budget decision: How analytics and heuristics drive sales performance
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas, PA Naik
Journal of Marketing Research 57 (3), 468-488, 2020
Advertising effects: A taxonomy and review of concepts, methods, and results from the academic literature
D Vakratsas, T Ambler
(No Title), 1996
Advertising response models with managerial impact: an agenda for the future
D Vakratsas
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 21 (4‐5), 351-361, 2005
Household cost effects on purchase timing decisions: do demographics matter?
D Vakratsas
Journal of Consumer Marketing 15 (1), 6-22, 1998
The impact of advertising creative strategy on advertising elasticity
F Dall’Olio, D Vakratsas
Journal of Marketing 87 (1), 26-44, 2023
The multiple roles of interpersonal communication in new product growth
TV Krishnan, D Vakratsas
International Journal of Research in Marketing 29 (3), 292-305, 2012
A segment‐level hazard approach to studying household purchase timing decisions
D Vakratsas, FM Bass
Journal of Applied Econometrics 17 (1), 49-59, 2002
The relationship between purchase regularity and propensity to accelerate
D Vakratsas, FM Bass
Journal of Retailing 78 (2), 119-129, 2002
How advertising works: what do we really know?
T Ambler, D Vakratsas
Journal of marketing: A quarterly publication of the american marketing …, 1999
The pursuit of advertising theory
T Ambler, D Vakratsas
Business Strategy Review 7 (1), 14-23, 1996
Market-level information and the diffusion of competing technologies: An exploratory analysis of the LAN industry
V Theoharakis, D Vakratsas, V Wong
Research policy 36 (5), 742-757, 2007
Correcting for misspecification in parameter dynamics to improve forecast accuracy with adaptively estimated models
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas
Management Science 61 (10), 2495-2513, 2015
Synergistic, antagonistic, and asymmetric media interactions
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas
Journal of Advertising 47 (3), 282-300, 2018
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