CONICET-UTN "Instituto de Evolución, Ecología Histórica, y Ambiente"
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Synergistic roles of climate warming and human occupation in Patagonian megafaunal extinctions during the Last Deglaciation
JL Metcalf, C Turney, R Barnett, F Martin, SC Bray, JT Vilstrup, L Orlando, ...
Science advances 2 (6), e1501682, 2016
Biogeografía humana en los Andes meridionales: tendencias arqueológicas en el sur de Mendoza
G Neme, A Gil
Chungará (arica) 40 (1), 5-18, 2008
Reviewing human–environment interactions in arid regions of southern South America during the past 3000 years
M Morales, R Barberena, JB Belardi, L Borrero, V Cortegoso, V Durán, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 281 (3-4), 283-295, 2009
Maize on the frontier
AF Gil, RH Tykot, G Neme, NR Shelnut
Isotopic and macrobotanical data from central-western Argentina. Staller, J …, 2006
Isotopic evidence on human bone for declining maize consumption during the little ice age in central western Argentina
AF Gil, R Villalba, A Ugan, V Cortegoso, G Neme, CT Michieli, P Novellino, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 49, 213-227, 2014
Stable isotopes and human diet in central western Argentina
AF Gil, GA Neme, RH Tykot
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (7), 1395-1404, 2011
Arqueología de La Payunia (Mendoza, Argentina): El poblamiento humano en los márgenes de la agricultura
AF Gil
BAR Publishing, 2006
Stable isotopes and maize consumption in central western Argentina
AF Gil, GA Neme, RH Tykot, P Novellino, V Cortegoso, V Durán
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 19 (2), 215-236, 2009
A study of obsidian source usage in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile
M Giesso, V Durán, G Neme, MD Glascock, V Cortegoso, A Gil, ...
Archaeometry 53 (1), 1-21, 2011
Estudio de fuentes de aprovisionamiento y redes de distribución de obsidiana durante el Holoceno Tardío en el sur de Mendoza (Argentina)
V Durán, M Giesso, M Glascock, G Neme, A Gil, L Sanhueza
Estudios atacameños, 25-43, 2004
Mid-Holocene paleoenvironments and the archeological record of southern Mendoza, Argentina
A Gil, M Zárate, G Neme
Quaternary International 132 (1), 81-94, 2005
Human occupation and increasing mid-Holocene aridity: southern Andean perspectives
G Neme, A Gil
Current Anthropology 50 (1), 149-163, 2009
Obsidian in the south-central Andes: geological, geochemical, and archaeological assessment of north Patagonian sources (Argentina)
R Barberena, A Hajduk, AF Gil, GA Neme, V Durán, MD Glascock, ...
Quaternary International 245 (1), 25-36, 2011
Mid Holocene radiocarbon ages in the Subtropical Andes (∼ 29°–35° S), climatic change and implications for human space organization
C Méndez, A Gil, G Neme, AN Delaunay, V Cortegoso, C Huidobro, ...
Quaternary International 356, 15-26, 2015
Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) isotopic ecology in southern South America: spatial and temporal tendencies, and archaeological implications
R Barberena, AF Zangrando, AF Gil, GA Martínez, GG Politis, LA Borrero, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (12), 2666-2675, 2009
El consumo de maíz en el Holoceno tardío del oeste argentino: isótopos estables y caries
P Novellino, A Gil, G Neme, V Durán
Revista Española de Antropología Americana 34, 85-110, 2004
Zea mays on the South American Periphery: Chronology and Dietary Importance
AF Gil
Current Anthropology 44 (2), 295-300, 2003
Demografía humana e incorporación de cultígenos en el centro occidente argentino: explorando tendencias en las fechas radiocarbónicas
AF Gil, MA Giardina, GA Neme, A Ugan
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015
Arqueología del área natural protegida Laguna del Diamante (Mendoza, Argentina)
V Durán, G Neme, V Cortegoso, A Gil
Anales de Arqueología y Etnología 61, 81-134, 2006
Mid-Holocene paleoenvironments and human occupation in southern South America
MA Zárate, GA Neme, AF Gil
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2005
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