Øystein Lerum
Øystein Lerum
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
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The association between physical fitness and mental health in Norwegian adolescents
A Åvitsland, E Leibinger, T Haugen, Ø Lerum, RB Solberg, E Kolle, ...
Active smarter teachers: primary school teachers’ perceptions and maintenance of a school-based physical activity intervention
Ø Lerum, J Bartholomew, H McKay, GK Resaland, HE Tjomsland, ...
Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 4 (17), 141-147, 2019
Effects of a school-based physical activity intervention on academic performance in 14-year old adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial–the School in Motion study
RB Solberg, J Steene-Johannessen, SA Anderssen, U Ekelund, ...
BMC Public Health 21 (1), 871, 2021
The conforming, the innovating and the connecting teacher: A qualitative study of why teachers in lower secondary school adopt physically active learning
Ø Lerum, HE Tjomsland, PE Leirhaug, J McKenna, T Quaramby, ...
Teaching and teacher education 105, 103434, 2021
Teachers’ sensemaking of physically active learning: A qualitative study of primary and secondary school teachers participating in a continuing professional development program …
S Teslo, M Thurston, Ø Lerum, MB Mandelid, ES Jenssen, GK Resaland, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 127, 104113, 2023
The process evaluation of a school-based physical activity intervention: Influencing factors and potential consequences of implementation
A Åvitsland, SE Ohna, SM Dyrstad, HE Tjomsland, Ø Lerum, E Leibinger
Health Education 120 (2), 121-139, 2020
The Andersen aerobic fitness test: new peak oxygen consumption prediction equations in 10 and 16‐year olds
E Aadland, LB Andersen, Ø Lerum, GK Resaland
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 28 (3), 862-872, 2018
Unpacking physically active learning in education: a movement didaktikk approach in teaching?
MB Mandelid, GK Resaland, Ø Lerum, S Teslo, A Chalkley, A Singh, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 68 (3), 341-354, 2024
Validity of noninvasive composite scores to assess cardiovascular risk in 10‐year‐old children
Ø Lerum, E Aadland, LB Andersen, SA Anderssen, GK Resaland
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 27 (8), 865-872, 2017
Hovedrapport: School in Motion
E Kolle, J Steene-Johannessen, R Sâfenbom, SA Anderssen, ...
https://www.udir.no/contentassets/00554e6be9104daeb387287132cef1e0 …, 2019
«Kan vi gjere noko gøy?» Fysisk aktivitet, folkehelse og livsmeistring
Ø Lerum, PE Leirhaug, GK Resaland, HE Tjomsland
Folkehelse og livsmestring i skolen - i fag, på tvers av fag og som en …, 2021
Senter for fysisk aktiv læring: Sluttrapport 2018-2023
MB Mandelid, ES Dyngeland, R Stokke, TC Wergeland, MØ Sandal, ...
Høgskulen på Vestlandet, 2023
Workplace-based continuing professional development program for physically active learning: designing a framework and prospective directions
MB Mandelid, ES Dyngeland, S Teslo, Ø Lerum, HE Tjomsland, ...
Frontiers in Education 9, 1407542, 2024
Validity of noninvasive proxy composite scores to assess cardiovascular risk in ten-year-old children
Ø Lerum
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