Maisa Cristina Duarte
Maisa Cristina Duarte
Post-Doc Researcher at Jean Monnet University
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Cited by
How to read the web in portuguese using the never-ending language learner's principles
MC Duarte, ER Hruschka
2014 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2014
Coupling as strategy for reducing concept-drift in never-ending learning environments
ER Hruschka Jr, MC Duarte, MC Nicoletti
Fundamenta Informaticae 124 (1-2), 47-61, 2013
NELL2RDF: Reading the web, tracking the provenance
JM Giménez-García, M Duarte, A Zimmermann, C Gravier, ...
and Publishing it as Linked Data, in: CKGSemStats@ ISWC, 2018
Vers une instance française de NELL : chaine TLN multilingue et modélisation d'ontologie
M Duarte, P Maret
Conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), 2017
Exploring two views of coreference resolution in a never-ending learning system
MC Duarte, ER Hruschka
2014 14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 273-278, 2014
Bayesian Networks for Identifying Semantic Relations in a Never-Ending Learning System
EB dos Santos, ML Fernandes, ER Hruschka, MC Duarte
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 16th International Conference …, 2017
Coupling for Coreference Resolution in a Never-ending Learning System
F Quecole, MC Duarte, ER Hruschka
Journal of Information and Data Management 9 (2), 124-124, 2018
Leitura da web em português em ambiente de aprendizado sem-fim
MC Duarte
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016
Aprendizado Semissupervisionado através de técnicas de acoplamento
MC Duarte
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011
Minimização do Impacto do Problema de Desvio de Conceito por Meio de Acoplamento em Ambiente de Aprendizado Sem Fim (Minimizing the Impact of the Concept Drift Problem by Using …
MC Duarte, ER Hruschka Jr, M do Carmo Nicoletti
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language …, 2011
A Modular Framework for Domain-Specific Conversational Systems Powered by Never-Ending Learning
FCA Pinna, VT Hayashi, JC Néto, RFP Marquesone, MC Duarte, ...
Applied Sciences 14 (4), 1585, 2024
Information Retrieval based on Brazilian Portuguese Texts
V Hayashi, M Carvalho, JC Néto, F Pinna, R Marquesone, W Ruggiero, ...
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 20 (1), 249-269, 2022
NELL2RDF: Reading the Web, Tracking the Provenance, and Publishing It as Linked Data
JM Giménez-Garcıa, M Duarte, A Zimmermann, C Gravier, ...
Toward a new instances of NELL
MC Duarte, P Maret
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.03246, 2016
Acoplamento para resolução de correferência em ambiente de aprendizado sem-fim
F Quécole, MC Duarte, ER Hruschka
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Articles 1–15