Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araujo
Cited by
Cited by
VSUMM: A mechanism designed to produce static video summaries and a novel evaluation method
AA Avila, S.E.F., Luz Jr., A., Lopes, A.P.B. & Araújo
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (1), 56-68, 2011
Multi-histogram equalization methods for contrast enhancement and brightness preserving
D Menotti, L Najman, J Facon, AA de Araujo
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 53 (3), 1186-1194, 2007
Pooling in image representation: The visual codeword point of view
S Avila, N Thome, M Cord, E Valle, ADA AraúJo
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 117 (5), 453-465, 2013
Violence detection in video using spatio-temporal features
FDM De Souza, GC Chavez, EA do Valle Jr, AA Araújo
2010 23rd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 224-230, 2010
A bag-of-features approach based on hue-sift descriptor for nude detection
APB Lopes, SEF de Avila, ANA Peixoto, RS Oliveira, AA Araújo
2009 17th European Signal Processing Conference, 1552-1556, 2009
MammoSys: A content-based image retrieval system using breast density patterns
JEE De Oliveira, AMC Machado, GC Chavez, APB Lopes, TM Deserno, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 99 (3), 289-297, 2010
Video segmentation based on 2D image analysis
SJF Guimaraes, M Couprie, A de Albuquerque Araújo, NJ Leite
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (7), 947-957, 2003
Bossa: Extended bow formalism for image classification
S Avila, N Thome, M Cord, E Valle, AA Araújo
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2909-2912, 2011
Toward a standard reference database for computer-aided mammography
JEE Oliveira, MO Gueld, AA Araújo, B Ott, TM Deserno
Medical imaging 2008: Computer-aided diagnosis 6915, 606-614, 2008
Nude detection in video using bag-of-visual-features
APB Lopes, SEF de Avila, ANA Peixoto, RS Oliveira, MM Coelho, ...
2009 XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 224-231, 2009
VSUMM: An approach for automatic video summarization and quantitative evaluation
M Avila, S.E.F., Luz Jr., A., Araújo, A. de A, Cord
XXI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 103-110, 2008
A mid-level video representation based on binary descriptors: A case study for pornography detection
C Caetano, S Avila, WR Schwartz, SJF Guimarães, AA Araújo
Neurocomputing 213, 102-114, 2016
Content-based image retrieval applied to BI-RADS tissue classification in screening mammography
JEE de Oliveira, A de Albuquerque Araújo, TM Deserno
World journal of radiology 3 (1), 24, 2011
Segmentation of microscopic images by flooding simulation: a catchment-basins merging algorithm
MC de Andrade, G Bertrand, A de Albuquerde Araujo
Nonlinear Image Processing VIII 3026, 164-175, 1997
Shot boundary detection by a hierarchical supervised approach
G Camara-Chavez, F Precioso, M Cord, S Phillip-Foliguet, AA Araujo
2007 14th international workshop on systems, signals and image processing …, 2007
Pornography detection using bossanova video descriptor
C Caetano, S Avila, S Guimaraes, AA Araújo
2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1681-1685, 2014
Towards computer-aided diagnostics of screening mammography using content-based image retrieval
T Deserno, M Soiron, J Oliveira, A Araujo
2011 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 211-219, 2011
An overview of automatic event detection in soccer matches
SF De Sousa, AA Araújo, D Menotti
2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 31-38, 2011
1D Component tree in linear time and space and its application to gray-level image multithresholding.
D Menotti, L Najman, A de Albuquerque Araújo
ISMM (1), 437-448, 2007
Combining multiple classification methods for hyperspectral data interpretation
AB Santos, A de Albuquerque Araújo, D Menotti
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2013
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Articles 1–20