Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes G Chapron, P Kaczensky, JDC Linnell, M Von Arx, D Huber, H Andrén, ... science 346 (6216), 1517-1519, 2014 | 1986 | 2014 |
Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements MA Tucker, K Böhning-Gaese, WF Fagan, JM Fryxell, B Van Moorter, ... Science 359 (6374), 466-469, 2018 | 1186 | 2018 |
Large carnivores that kill livestock: do" problem individuals" really exist? JDC Linnell, J Odden, ME Smith, R Aanes, JE Swenson Wildlife Society Bulletin, 698-705, 1999 | 458 | 1999 |
Prey density, environmental productivity and home-range size in the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) I Herfindal, JDC Linnell, J Odden, EB Nilsen, R Andersen Journal of Zoology 265 (1), 63-71, 2005 | 371 | 2005 |
Translocation of carnivores as a method for managing problem animals: a review JDC Linnell, R Aanes, JE Swenson, J Odden, ME Smith Biodiversity & Conservation 6, 1245-1257, 1997 | 360 | 1997 |
Survival rates and causes of mortality in Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in multi-use landscapes H Andrén, JDC Linnell, O Liberg, R Andersen, A Danell, J Karlsson, ... Biological conservation 131 (1), 23-32, 2006 | 285 | 2006 |
Risk of capture-related mortality in large free-ranging mammals: experiences from Scandinavia JM Arnemo, P Ahlqvist, R Andersen, F Berntsen, G Ericsson, J Odden, ... Wildlife Biology 12 (1), 109-114, 2006 | 272 | 2006 |
Living and dying in a multi‐predator landscape of fear: roe deer are squeezed by contrasting pattern of predation risk imposed by lynx and humans K Lone, LE Loe, T Gobakken, JDC Linnell, J Odden, J Remmen, ... Oikos 123 (6), 641-651, 2014 | 220 | 2014 |
Home range size and choice of management strategy for lynx in Scandinavia JDC Linnell, R Andersen, TOR Kvam, H Andren, O Liberg, J Odden, ... Environmental management 27, 869-879, 2001 | 216 | 2001 |
Diet of Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx, in the boreal forest of southeastern Norway: the relative importance of livestock and hares at low roe deer density J Odden, JDC Linnell, R Andersen European Journal of Wildlife Research 52, 237-244, 2006 | 207 | 2006 |
What shapes Eurasian lynx distribution in human dominated landscapes: selecting prey or avoiding people? M Basille, I Herfindal, H Santin‐Janin, JDC Linnell, J Odden, R Andersen, ... Ecography 32 (4), 683-691, 2009 | 195 | 2009 |
Habitat differentiation within the large‐carnivore community of Norway's multiple‐use landscapes R May, J Van Dijk, P Wabakken, JE Swenson, JDC Linnell, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (5), 1382-1391, 2008 | 180 | 2008 |
Review of methods to reduce livestock depradation: I. Guardian animals ME Smith, JDC Linnell, J Odden, JE Swenson Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A-Animal Science 50 (4), 279-290, 2000 | 178 | 2000 |
Predicting the potential demographic impact of predators on their prey: a comparative analysis of two carnivore–ungulate systems in Scandinavia V Gervasi, EB Nilsen, H Sand, M Panzacchi, GR Rauset, HC Pedersen, ... Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (2), 443-454, 2012 | 163 | 2012 |
A slow life in hell or a fast life in heaven: demographic analyses of contrasting roe deer populations EB Nilsen, JM Gaillard, R Andersen, J Odden, D Delorme, G Van Laere, ... Journal of Animal Ecology 78 (3), 585-594, 2009 | 157 | 2009 |
Framing pictures: A conceptual framework to identify and correct for biases in detection probability of camera traps enabling multi‐species comparison TR Hofmeester, JPGM Cromsigt, J Odden, H Andrén, J Kindberg, ... Ecology and Evolution 9 (4), 2320-2336, 2019 | 153 | 2019 |
Climate, season, and social status modulate the functional response of an efficient stalking predator: the Eurasian lynx EB Nilsen, JDC Linnell, J Odden, R Andersen Journal of Animal Ecology 78 (4), 741-751, 2009 | 152 | 2009 |
Risk taking by Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in a human‐dominated landscape: effects of sex and reproductive status N Bunnefeld, JDC Linnell, J Odden, MAJ Van Duijn, R Andersen Journal of Zoology 270 (1), 31-39, 2006 | 144 | 2006 |
Estimating total lynx Lynx lynx population size from censuses of family groups H Andrén, JDC Linnell, O Liberg, P Ahlqvist, R Andersen, A Danell, ... Wildlife biology 8 (4), 299-306, 2002 | 143 | 2002 |
Lynx depredation on domestic sheep in Norway J Odden, JDC Linnell, PF Moa, I Herfindal, T Kvam, R Andersen The Journal of wildlife management, 98-105, 2002 | 141 | 2002 |