Marie E. Rognes
Marie E. Rognes
Chief Research Scientist, Department of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Simula Research
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The FEniCS project version 1.5
M Alnæs, J Blechta, J Hake, A Johansson, B Kehlet, A Logg, ...
Archive of numerical software 3 (100), 2015
Unified form language: A domain-specific language for weak formulations of partial differential equations
MS Alnæs, A Logg, KB Ølgaard, ME Rognes, GN Wells
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 40 (2), 1-37, 2014
Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs
PE Farrell, DA Ham, SW Funke, ME Rognes
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (4), C369-C393, 2013
Efficient Assembly of and Conforming Finite Elements
ME Rognes, RC Kirby, A Logg
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (6), 4130-4151, 2010
A stabilized Nitsche fictitious domain method for the Stokes problem
A Massing, MG Larson, A Logg, ME Rognes
Journal of Scientific Computing, 1-25, 2014
FFC: the FEniCS form compiler
A Logg, KB Ølgaard, ME Rognes, GN Wells
Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method …, 2012
A cell-based framework for numerical modeling of electrical conduction in cardiac tissue
A Tveito, KH Jæger, M Kuchta, KA Mardal, ME Rognes
Frontiers in Physics 5, 48, 2017
Respiratory influence on cerebrospinal fluid flow–a computational study based on long-term intracranial pressure measurements
V Vinje, G Ringstad, EK Lindstrøm, LM Valnes, ME Rognes, PK Eide, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9732, 2019
DOLFINx: The next generation FEniCS problem solving environment
IA Barrata, JP Dean, JS Dokken, M Habera, J HALE, C Richardson, ...
A mixed finite element method for nearly incompressible multiple-network poroelasticity
JJ Lee, E Piersanti, KA Mardal, ME Rognes
SIAM journal on scientific computing 41 (2), A722-A747, 2019
A Nitsche-based cut finite element method for a fluid-structure interaction problem
A Massing, M Larson, A Logg, M Rognes
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 10 (2), 97-120, 2015
Intracranial pressure elevation alters CSF clearance pathways
V Vinje, A Eklund, KA Mardal, ME Rognes, KH Støverud
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 17, 1-19, 2020
Automating the solution of PDEs on the sphere and other manifolds in FEniCS 1.2
ME Rognes, DA Ham, CJ Cotter, ATT McRae
Geoscientific Model Development 6 (6), 2099-2119, 2013
The mechanisms behind perivascular fluid flow
C Daversin-Catty, V Vinje, KA Mardal, ME Rognes
Plos one 15 (12), e0244442, 2020
A stabilized Nitsche overlapping mesh method for the Stokes problem
A Massing, MG Larson, A Logg, ME Rognes
Numerische Mathematik 128, 73-101, 2014
Uncertainty quantification of parenchymal tracer distribution using random diffusion and convective velocity fields
M Croci, V Vinje, ME Rognes
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 16, 1-21, 2019
Finite element simulation of ionic electrodiffusion in cellular geometries
AJ Ellingsrud, A Solbrå, GT Einevoll, G Halnes, ME Rognes
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 14, 11, 2020
Automated goal-oriented error control I: Stationary variational problems
ME Rognes, A Logg
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (3), C173-C193, 2013
Common and unusual finite elements
RC Kirby, A Logg, ME Rognes, AR Terrel
Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method …, 2012
Efficient white noise sampling and coupling for multilevel Monte Carlo with nonnested meshes
M Croci, MB Giles, ME Rognes, PE Farrell
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6 (4), 1630-1655, 2018
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