Peter Volgyesi
Peter Volgyesi
Research Scientist, Vanderbilt University
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The generic modeling environment
A Ledeczi, M Maroti, A Bakay, G Karsai, J Garrett, C Thomason, ...
Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing, Budapest, Hungary 17 (01), 2001, 2001
Composing domain-specific design environments
Á Lédeczi, A Bakay, M Maroti, P Volgyesi, G Nordstrom, J Sprinkle, ...
Computer 34 (11), 44-51, 2001
Radio interferometric geolocation
M Maróti, P Völgyesi, S Dóra, B Kusý, A Nádas, Á Lédeczi, G Balogh, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Embedded networked sensor …, 2005
Simulation-based optimization of communication protocols for large-scale wireless sensor networks
G Simon, P Volgyesi, M Maróti, A Ledeczi
IEEE aerospace conference 3, 31339-31346, 2003
Countersniper system for urban warfare
Á Lédeczi, A Nádas, P Völgyesi, G Balogh, B Kusy, J Sallai, G Pap, ...
ACM Transactions on Sensor networks (TOSN) 1 (2), 153-177, 2005
Shooter localization and weapon classification with soldier-wearable networked sensors
P Volgyesi, G Balogh, A Nadas, CB Nash, A Ledeczi
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Mobile systems …, 2007
Next generation (meta) modeling: web-and cloud-based collaborative tool infrastructure.
M Maróti, T Kecskés, R Kereskényi, B Broll, P Völgyesi, L Jurácz, ...
MPM@ MoDELS 1237, 41-60, 2014
Air quality monitoring with sensormap
P Völgyesi, A Nádas, X Koutsoukos, Á Lédeczi
2008 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks …, 2008
On metamodel composition
Á Lédeczi, G Nordstrom, G Karsai, P Volgyesi, M Maroti
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Control …, 2001
Wireless acoustic emission sensor network for structural monitoring
Á Lédeczi, T Hay, P Volgyesi, DR Hay, A Nádas, S Jayaraman
IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (11), 1370-1377, 2009
A visual programming environment for learning distributed programming
B Broll, A Lédeczi, P Volgyesi, J Sallai, M Maroti, A Carrillo, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE technical symposium on computer science …, 2017
Sensor node localization using mobile acoustic beacons
M Kushwaha, K Molnar, J Sallai, P Volgyesi, M Maroti, A Lédeczi
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference …, 2005
High-accuracy differential tracking of low-cost GPS receivers
W Hedgecock, M Maroti, J Sallai, P Volgyesi, A Ledeczi
Proceeding of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile systems …, 2013
SURE: A modeling and simulation integration platform for evaluation of secure and resilient cyber–physical systems
X Koutsoukos, G Karsai, A Laszka, H Neema, B Potteiger, P Volgyesi, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (1), 93-112, 2017
Combining wearable sensor signals, machine learning and biomechanics to estimate tibial bone force and damage during running
ES Matijevich, LR Scott, P Volgyesi, KH Derry, KE Zelik
Human movement science 74, 102690, 2020
Weapon classification and shooter localization using distributed multichannel acoustic sensors
J Sallai, W Hedgecock, P Volgyesi, A Nadas, G Balogh, A Ledeczi
Journal of systems architecture 57 (10), 869-885, 2011
Multiple simultaneous acoustic source localization in urban terrain
Á Lédeczi, P Volgyesi, M Maróti, G Simon, G Balogh, A Nádas, B Kusy, ...
IPSN 2005. Fourth International Symposium on Information Processing in …, 2005
Structural health monitoring of bridges with piezoelectric AE sensors
O Yapar, PK Basu, P Volgyesi, A Ledeczi
Engineering Failure Analysis 56, 150-169, 2015
Component-based development of networked embedded applications
P Volgyesi, Á Lédeczi
Proceedings. 28th Euromicro Conference, 68-73, 2002
Leveraging em side-channel information to detect rowhammer attacks
Z Zhang, Z Zhan, D Balasubramanian, B Li, P Volgyesi, X Koutsoukos
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 729-746, 2020
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Articles 1–20