Jessie Jiaxu Wang
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A labor capital asset pricing model
LA Kuehn, M Simutin, JJ Wang
The Journal of Finance 72 (5), 2131-2178, 2017
Bank networks and systemic risk: Evidence from the national banking acts
H Anderson, M Paddrik, JJ Wang
American Economic Review 109 (9), 3125-3161, 2019
A theory of collateral requirements for central counterparties
JJ Wang, A Capponi, H Zhang
Management Science 68 (9), 6993-7017, 2022
Distress dispersion and systemic risk in networks
JJ Wang
Available at SSRN 2588910, 2015
Taxing Atlas: Executive compensation, firm size, and their impact on optimal top income tax rates
L Ales, AA Bellofatto, JJ Wang
Review of Economic Dynamics 26, 62-90, 2017
Workplace automation and corporate financial policy
TW Bates, F Du, JJ Wang
Available at SSRN 3556935, 2020
Access to finance and technological innovation: Evidence from antebellum America
J Wang
Financial Times, 2024
It's Not Who You Know—It's Who Knows You: Employee Social Capital and Firm Performance
DK Cho, L Choi, JJ Wang
FEDS Working Paper, 2023
Replication data for: Bank Networks and Systemic Risk: Evidence from the National Banking Acts
H Anderson, M Paddrik, JJ Wang
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), 2019
Replication data for: Bank Networks and Systemic Risk: Evidence from the National Banking Acts: data. Nashville, TN: American Economic Association [publisher], 2019
H Anderson, M Paddrik, JJ Wang
Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research …, 2019
For Online Publication Bank Networks and Systemic Risk: Evidence from the National Banking Acts
M Paddrik, H Park, JJ Wang
The Effects of Contracting and Labor Search on Risks in Financial Markets
JJ Wang
Carnegie Mellon University, 1915
Asset Pricing with Dynamic Labor Contracts
JJ Wang
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