Giacomo De Giorgi
Giacomo De Giorgi
Professor of Economics, IEE/GSEM, University of Geneva
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Indirect effects of an aid program: how do cash transfers affect ineligibles' consumption?
M Angelucci, G De Giorgi
American economic review 99 (1), 486-508, 2009
Identification of social interactions through partially overlapping peer groups
G De Giorgi, M Pellizzari, S Redaelli
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2 (2), 241-275, 2010
Welfare migration in Europe
G De Giorgi, M Pellizzari
Labour Economics 16 (4), 353-363, 2009
The price effects of cash versus in-kind transfers
JM Cunha, G De Giorgi, S Jayachandran
The Review of Economic Studies 86 (1), 240-281, 2019
Family networks and school enrolment: Evidence from a randomized social experiment
M Angelucci, G De Giorgi, MA Rangel, I Rasul
Journal of public Economics 94 (3-4), 197-221, 2010
Credit growth and the financial crisis: A new narrative
S Albanesi, G DeGiorgi, J Nosal
Journal of Monetary Economics 132, 118-139, 2022
Consumption network effects
G De Giorgi, A Frederiksen, L Pistaferri
The Review of Economic Studies 87 (1), 130-163, 2020
Business literacy and development: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural Mexico
G Calderon, JM Cunha, G De Giorgi
national Bureau of economic research, 2013
Consumption and investment in resource pooling family networks
M Angelucci, G De Giorgi, I Rasul
The Economic Journal 128 (615), 2613-2651, 2018
The gender gap in mathematics: evidence from Chile
P Bharadwaj, G De Giorgi, D Hansen, CA Neilson
Economic Development and Cultural Change 65 (1), 141-166, 2016
SME’s Registration: Evidence from an RCT in Bangladesh
G De Giorgi, A Rahman
Economics Letters 120 (3), 573-578, 2013
Class size and class heterogeneity
G De Giorgi, M Pellizzari, WG Woolston
Journal of the European Economic Association 10 (4), 795-830, 2012
Understanding social interactions: Evidence from the classroom
G De Giorgi, M Pellizzari
The Economic Journal 124 (579), 917-953, 2014
Long-term effects of a mandatory multistage program: the New Deal for Young People in the UK
G De Giorgi
IFS Working Papers, 2005
Business cycle fluctuations and the distribution of consumption
G De Giorgi, L Gambetti
Review of Economic Dynamics 23, 19-41, 2017
the new deal for young people five years on
giacomo de giorgi
fiscal studies, 2005
Small firms’ formalisation: The stick treatment
G De Giorgi, M Ploenzke, A Rahman
The Journal of Development Studies 54 (6), 983-1001, 2018
Village economies and the structure of extended family networks
M Angelucci, G De Giorgi, M Rangel, I Rasul
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 9 (1), 2009
The effects of government spending on the distribution of consumption
G De Giorgi, L Gambetti
Bribes vs. taxes: Market structure and incentives
F Amodio, J Choi, G De Giorgi, A Rahman
Journal of Comparative Economics 50 (2), 435-453, 2022
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