Chong Zhang
Chong Zhang
Verifisert e-postadresse på uwaterloo.ca - Startside
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Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 occur frequently in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas and share hypermethylation targets with glioblastomas
P Wang, Q Dong, C Zhang, PF Kuan, Y Liu, WR Jeck, JB Andersen, ...
Oncogene 32 (25), 3091-3100, 2013
Multicategory angle-based large-margin classification
C Zhang, Y Liu
Biometrika 101 (3), 625-640, 2014
Multicategory outcome weighted margin-based learning for estimating individualized treatment rules
C Zhang, J Chen, H Fu, X He, YQ Zhao, Y Liu
Statistica sinica 30, 1857, 2020
Multicategory Large-Margin Unified Machines.
C Zhang, Y Liu
Journal of Machine Learning Research 14 (5), 2013
On Quantile Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces with the Data Sparsity Constraint.
C Zhang, Y Liu, Y Wu
J. Mach. Learn. Res. 17 (1), 1374-1418, 2016
On reject and refine options in multicategory classification
C Zhang, W Wang, X Qiao
Journal of the American Statistical Association 113 (522), 730-745, 2018
Reinforced angle-based multicategory support vector machines
C Zhang, Y Liu, J Wang, H Zhu
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 25 (3), 806-825, 2016
Robust multicategory support vector machines using difference convex algorithm
C Zhang, M Pham, S Fu, Y Liu
Mathematical programming 169, 277-305, 2018
Double sparsity kernel learning with automatic variable selection and data extraction
J Chen, C Zhang, MR Kosorok, Y Liu
Statistics and its interface 11 (3), 401, 2018
On the effect and remedies of shrinkage on classification probability estimation
C Zhang, Y Liu, Z Wu
The American Statistician 67 (3), 134-142, 2013
REC: fast sparse regression-based multicategory classification
C Zhang, X Lu, Z Zhu, Y Hu, D Singh, C Jones, J Liu, JF Prins, Y Liu
Statistics and its Interface 10 (2), 175-185, 2017
Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 are associated with DNA hypermethylation in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas
P Wang, QZ Dong, C Zhang, PF Kuan, Y Liu, WR Jeck, JB Andersen, ...
Cancer Research 72 (8_Supplement), 1058-1058, 2012
Multi-category Angle-based Classifier Refit
GX Yau, C Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.05709, 2016
Package ‘SMAD’
Q Zhang, MQ Zhang
Rejoinder of “Double sparsity kernel learning with automatic variable selection and data extraction”
J Chen, C Zhang, MR Kosorok, Y Liu
Statistics and Its Interface 11 (3), 429-431, 2018
Supplementary Materials of “On Reject and Refine Options in Multicategory Classification”
C Zhang, W Wang, X Qiao
Flexible Classification Techniques with Biomedical Applications
C Zhang
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School, 2014
Supplemental Materials of “Reinforced Angle-based Multicategory Support Vector Machines”
C Zhang, Y Liu, J Wang, H Zhu
Supplementary Materials for “Multicategory Outcome Weighted Margin-based Learning for Estimating Individualized Treatment Rules”
C Zhang, J Chen, H Fu, X He, YQ Zhao, Y Liu
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