Tom Eide
Tom Eide
Professor emeritus of leadership, ethics and literature at USN - University of South-Eastern Norway
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Omvårdnadsorienterad kommunikation: relationsetik, samarbete och konfliktlösning
H Eide, T Eide
Studentlitteratur 2 (1), 2009
Kommunikasjon i relasjoner: personorientering, samhandling, etikk
H Eide, T Eide
Gyldendal akademisk, 2019
Kommunikasjon i relasjoner: samhandling, konfliktløsning, etikk
H Eide, T Eide
Gyldendal akademisk, 2007
Exploring resistance to implementation of welfare technology in municipal healthcare services–a longitudinal case study
ER Nilsen, J Dugstad, H Eide, MK Gullslett, T Eide
BMC health services research 16 (1), 1-14, 2016
Kommunikation i praktiken: relationer, samspel och etik inom socialt arbete, vård och omsorg
T Eide, H Eide, B Kärnekull, E Kärnekull
Liber, 2006
Kommunikasjon i praksis: relasjoner, samspill og etikk i sosialfaglig arbeid
T Eide, H Eide
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 2005
Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for …
J Dugstad, T Eide, ER Nilsen, H Eide
BMC health services research 19, 1-17, 2019
Kommunikasjon i relasjoner (3. utg.)
H Eide, T Eide
Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2017
Person-centred healthcare research
B McCormack, AM van Dulmen, H Eide, K Skovdahl, T Eide
Wiley 8, 191, 2017
Patient validation of cues and concerns identified according to Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES): a video-and interview-based approach
H Eide, T Eide, T Rustøen, A Finset
Patient education and counseling 82 (2), 156-162, 2011
1 Person‐Centredness in Healthcare Policy, Practice and Research
B McCormack, S van Dulmen, H Eide, K Skovdahl, T Eide
Person‐Centred Healthcare Research, 1, 2017
Older persons’ worries expressed during home care visits: Exploring the content of cues and concerns identified by the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences
L Hafskjold, T Eide, IK Holmström, V Sundling, S van Dulmen, H Eide
Patient Education and Counseling 99 (12), 1955-1963, 2016
Patient information and emotional needs across the hip osteoarthritis continuum: a qualitative study
EA Brembo, H Kapstad, T Eide, L Månsson, S Van Dulmen, H Eide
BMC health services research 16, 1-15, 2016
Etikkhåndboka: for kommunenes helse-og omsorgstjenester
T Eide, E Aadland
Kommuneforlaget, 2008
Omvårdnadsorienterad kommunikation: personorientering, samarbete och etik
H Eide, T Eide
Studentlitteratur, 2019
Educating for ethical leadership through web-based coaching: A feasibility study
T Eide, S Dulmen, H Eide
Nursing ethics 23 (8), 851-865, 2016
Future Directions for Person‐Centred Healthcare Research
S van Dulmen, B McCormack, T Eide, K Skovdahl, H Eide
Person‐Centred Healthcare Research, 209, 2017
Tillitsmodellen–erfaringer med mini-pilotering av selvstyrende team i tre bydeler i Oslo kommune
T Eide, E Nilsen, MK Gullslett, AH Aaberge, H Eide
Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, 2017
Leadership research: a person‐centred agenda
T Eide, S Cardiff
Person‐Centred Healthcare Research, 95-115, 2017
Implementering av velferdsteknologi i helse-og omsorgstjenester: opplæringsbehov og utforming av nye tjenester–en sluttrapport
JH Dugstad, E Nilsen, MK Gullslett, T Eide, H Eide
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