Roberto Iacono
Roberto Iacono
Associate Professor of Economics and Social Policy, NTNU
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The evolution of income composition inequality in Italy, 1989–2016
R Iacono, M Ranaldi
Review of Income and Wealth 69 (1), 124-149, 2023
The nexus between perceptions of inequality and preferences for redistribution
R Iacono, M Ranaldi
The Journal of Economic Inequality 19 (1), 97-114, 2021
The Nordic Model of Economic Development and Welfare: Recent Developments and Future Prospects
R Iacono
Intereconomics 53 (4), 185-190, 2018
Minimum income schemes in Europe: is there a trade-off with activation policies?
R Iacono
IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 6, 1-15, 2017
A comparison of fiscal rules for resource-rich economies
R Iacono
Economic Analysis and Policy 55, 179-193, 2017
Still the lands of equality? heterogeneity of income composition in the nordics, 1975–2016
R Iacono, E Palagi
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 22 (2), 221-268, 2022
A Micro Perspective on r > g
R Iacono, E Palagi
Economica 90 (358), 531-556, 2023
No blessing, no curse? On the benefits of being a resource-rich southern region of Italy
R Iacono
Research in Economics 70 (2), 346-359, 2016
Immigration and social assistance: Evidence from the Norwegian welfare state
B Smedsvik, R Iacono, A D'Agostino
Social Policy & Administration 56, 648-660, 2022
The Norwegian Oil Bonanza and the Scandinavian Model in Comparative Perspective
R Iacono
Comparative Economic Studies 61 (1), 63-82, 2019
The Wage Curve Across the Wealth Distribution
R Iacono, M Ranaldi
Economics Letters, 2020
Corporate Income Taxation and Inequality: Review and Discussion of Issues Raised in "The triumph of injustice—How the rich dodge taxes and how to make them pay (2019)"☆
T Faccio, R Iacono
Review of Income and Wealth, 2021
Behavioral responses to wealth taxation: evidence from a Norwegian reform
R Iacono, B Smedsvik
International Inequalities Institute, London School of Economics and …, 2023
The Dutch Disease revisited: absorption constraint and learning by doing
R Iacono
Portuguese Economic Journal 17 (1), 61-85, 2018
(Mis-) Perceptions, Information, and Political Polarization: A Survey and A Systematic Literature Review
M Marino, R Iacono, J Mollerstrom
European Journal of Political Economy, 102578, 2024
(In) visible sanctions: micro-level evidence on compulsory activation for young welfare recipients
B Smedsvik, R Iacono
Journal of Social Policy, 1-21, 2023
The Basilicata Wealth Fund
R Iacono, M Viccaro
Scienze Regionali 20 (Speciale), 577-594, 2021
Book review: Capitalism, alone: the future of the system that rules the world by Branko Milanovic
R Iacono
Democratic Audit Blog, 2019
Compulsory activation of young welfare recipients: revisiting the trade-off between workfare and welfare generosity
B Smedsvik, R Iacono
OSF, 2023
Welcome to the Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development (NJWEL)
O Ness, D von Heimburg, B Karlsson, N Kilkku, S Tuurnas, J Vamstad, ...
Scandinavian University Press/Universitetsforlaget AS, 2022
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