Philippe Aghion
Philippe Aghion
Professor of Economics, INSEAD, London School of Economics and College de France
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A model of growth through creative destruction
P Aghion
Endogenous growth theory
P Aghion, P Howitt, M Brant-Collett, C García-Peñalosa
MIT press, 1998
Competition and innovation: An inverted-U relationship
P Aghion, N Bloom, R Blundell, R Griffith, P Howitt
The quarterly journal of economics 120 (2), 701-728, 2005
Formal and real authority in organizations
P Aghion, J Tirole
Journal of political economy 105 (1), 1-29, 1997
The environment and directed technical change
D Acemoglu, P Aghion, L Bursztyn, D Hemous
American economic review 102 (1), 131-166, 2012
An incomplete contracts approach to financial contracting
P Aghion, P Bolton
The review of economic Studies 59 (3), 473-494, 1992
Inequality and economic growth: the perspective of the new growth theories
P Aghion, E Caroli, C Garcia-Penalosa
Journal of Economic literature 37 (4), 1615-1660, 1999
Distance to frontier, selection, and economic growth
D Acemoglu, P Aghion, F Zilibotti
Journal of the European Economic association 4 (1), 37-74, 2006
A theory of trickle-down growth and development
P Aghion, P Bolton
The review of economic studies 64 (2), 151-172, 1997
The economics of growth
P Aghion, PW Howitt
MIT press, 2008
Innovation and institutional ownership
P Aghion, J Van Reenen, L Zingales
American economic review 103 (1), 277-304, 2013
The management of innovation
P Aghion, J Tirole
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 109 (4), 1185-1209, 1994
The effect of financial development on convergence: Theory and evidence
P Aghion, P Howitt, D Mayer-Foulkes
The quarterly journal of economics 120 (1), 173-222, 2005
Competition, imitation and growth with step-by-step innovation
P Aghion, C Harris, P Howitt, J Vickers
The Review of Economic Studies 68 (3), 467-492, 2001
Contracts as a Barrier to Entry
P Aghion, P Bolton
The American economic review, 388-401, 1987
Exchange rate volatility and productivity growth: The role of financial development
P Aghion, P Bacchetta, R Ranciere, K Rogoff
Journal of monetary economics 56 (4), 494-513, 2009
The effects of entry on incumbent innovation and productivity
P Aghion, R Blundell, R Griffith, P Howitt, S Prantl
The review of economics and statistics 91 (1), 20-32, 2009
Carbon taxes, path dependency, and directed technical change: Evidence from the auto industry
P Aghion, A Dechezleprêtre, D Hemous, R Martin, J Van Reenen
Journal of Political Economy 124 (1), 1-51, 2016
Volatility and growth: Credit constraints and the composition of investment
P Aghion, GM Angeletos, A Banerjee, K Manova
Journal of monetary economics 57 (3), 246-265, 2010
Growth, distance to frontier and composition of human capital
J Vandenbussche, P Aghion, C Meghir
Journal of economic growth 11, 97-127, 2006
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