Maw Der Foo
Maw Der Foo
President's Chair in Entrepreneurship & Professor, Nanyang Technological University
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Entrepreneurial intentions: The influence of organizational and individual factors
L Lee, PK Wong, M Der Foo, A Leung
Journal of business venturing 26 (1), 124-136, 2011
Opportunity evaluation under risky conditions: The cognitive processes of entrepreneurs
HT Keh, M Der Foo, BC Lim
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 27 (2), 125-148, 2002
Exploring the heart: Entrepreneurial emotion is a hot topic
MS Cardon, MD Foo, D Shepherd, J Wiklund
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36 (1), 1-10, 2012
How do feelings influence effort? An empirical study of entrepreneurs’ affect and venture effort.
MD Foo, MA Uy, RA Baron
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (4), 1086, 2009
Entrepreneurship and well-being: Past, present, and future
J Wiklund, B Nikolaev, N Shir, MD Foo, S Bradley
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (4), 579-588, 2019
Emotions and entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation
MD Foo
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (2), 375-393, 2011
Reading your counterpart: The benefit of emotion recognition accuracy for effectiveness in negotiation
HA Elfenbein, M Der Foo, J White, HH Tan, VC Aik
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 31 (4), 205-223, 2007
Does diversity-valuing behavior result in diminished performance ratings for non-white and female leaders?
DR Hekman, SK Johnson, MD Foo, W Yang
Academy of Management Journal 60 (2), 771-797, 2017
New firm survival: Institutional explanations for new franchisor mortality
S Shane, MD Foo
Management Science 45 (2), 142-159, 1999
“I know I can, but I don't fit”: Perceived fit, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention
DK Hsu, K Burmeister-Lamp, SA Simmons, MD Foo, MC Hong, JD Pipes
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (2), 311-326, 2019
Joint effects of prior start-up experience and coping strategies on entrepreneurs’ psychological well-being
MA Uy, MD Foo, Z Song
Journal of Business Venturing 28 (5), 583-597, 2013
Using experience sampling methodology to advance entrepreneurship theory and research
MA Uy, MD Foo, H Aguinis
Organizational Research Methods 13 (1), 31-54, 2010
Mood spillover and crossover among dual-earner couples: A cell phone event sampling study.
Z Song, MD Foo, MA Uy
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (2), 443, 2008
Do others think you have a viable business idea? Team diversity and judges' evaluation of ideas in a business plan competition
M Der Foo, PK Wong, A Ong
Journal of Business Venturing 20 (3), 385-402, 2005
The use of networks in human resource acquisition for entrepreneurial firms: Multiple “fit” considerations
A Leung, J Zhang, PK Wong, M Der Foo
Journal of Business Venturing 21 (5), 664-686, 2006
Emotional intelligence and negotiation: The tension between creating and claiming value
M Der Foo, H Anger Elfenbein, H Hoon Tan, V Chuan Aik
International Journal of Conflict Management 15 (4), 411-429, 2004
Effects of team inputs and intrateam processes on perceptions of team viability and member satisfaction in nascent ventures
MD Foo, HP Sin, LP Yiong
Strategic Management Journal 27 (4), 389-399, 2006
The effects of customer personality traits on the display of positive emotions
HH Tan, MD Foo, MH Kwek
Academy of Management Journal 47 (2), 287-296, 2004
Hospitality workers’ COVID-19 risk perception and depression: A contingent model based on transactional theory of stress model
J Yan, S Kim, SX Zhang, MD Foo, A Alvarez-Risco, ...
International Journal of Hospitality Management 95, 102935, 2021
Entrepreneurship in emerging economies
MD Foo, B Vissa, B Wu
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 14 (3), 289-301, 2020
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