Cyrille Magne
Cyrille Magne
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The music of speech: Music training facilitates pitch processing in both music and language
D Schön, C Magne, M Besson
Psychophysiology 41 (3), 341-349, 2004
Musician children detect pitch violations in both music and language better than nonmusician children: behavioral and electrophysiological approaches
C Magne, D Schön, M Besson
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 18 (2), 199-211, 2006
Influence of musical expertise and musical training on pitch processing in music and language
M Besson, D Schön, S Moreno, A Santos, C Magne
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 25 (3-4), 399-410, 2007
Similar cerebral networks in language, music and song perception
D Schön, R Gordon, A Campagne, C Magne, C Astésano, JL Anton, ...
Neuroimage 51 (1), 450-461, 2010
Musicians and the metric structure of words
C Marie, C Magne, M Besson
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (2), 294-305, 2011
Influence of syllabic lengthening on semantic processing in spoken French: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence
C Magne, C Astésano, M Aramaki, S Ystad, R Kronland-Martinet, ...
Cerebral cortex 17 (11), 2659-2668, 2007
EEG correlates of song prosody: a new look at the relationship between linguistic and musical rhythm
RL Gordon, CL Magne, EW Large
Frontiers in psychology 2, 352, 2011
On-line processing of “pop-out” words in spoken French dialogues
C Magne, C Astésano, A Lacheret-Dujour, M Morel, K Alter, M Besson
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (5), 740-756, 2005
Emotional prosody: sex differences in sensitivity to speech melody
M Besson, C Magne, D Schön
Trends in cognitive sciences 6 (10), 405-407, 2002
Words and melody are intertwined in perception of sung words: EEG and behavioral evidence
RL Gordon, D Schön, C Magne, C Astésano, M Besson
PloS one 5 (3), e9889, 2010
Speech rhythm sensitivity and musical aptitude: ERPs and individual differences
C Magne, DK Jordan, RL Gordon
Brain and language 153, 13-19, 2016
Prosodic and melodic processing in adults and children: behavioral and electrophysiologic approaches
C Magne, D Schön, M Besson
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 999 (1), 461-476, 2003
The musical abilities, pleiotropy, language, and environment (MAPLE) framework for understanding musicality-language links across the lifespan
S Nayak, PL Coleman, E Ladányi, R Nitin, DE Gustavson, SE Fisher, ...
Neurobiology of Language 3 (4), 615-664, 2022
Comparison of rhythmic processing in language and music: An interdisciplinary approach
C Magne, M Aramaki, C Astesano, RL Gordon, S Ystad, S Farner, ...
Journal of Music and Meaning 3, 2005
Overlap of neural systems for processing language and music
MNG Jantzen, EW Large, C Magne
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 876, 2016
Cross-modal priming effect of rhythm on visual word recognition and its relationships to music aptitude and reading achievement
TS Fotidzis, H Moon, JR Steele, CL Magne
Brain sciences 8 (12), 210, 2018
Influence of metrical expectancy on reading words: An ERP study
C Magne, RL Gordon, S Midha
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Speech Prosody 100432, 1-4, 2010
Marquage acoustique du focus contrastif non codé syntaxiquement en français
C Astésano, C Magne, M Morel, A Coquillon, R Espesser, MR Besson, ...
25čmes Journées d’Etudes sur la Parole, [4 p.], 2004
Large‐scale collaboration in ENIGMA‐EEG: a perspective on the meta‐analytic approach to link neurological and psychiatric liability genes to electrophysiological brain activity
DJA Smit, OA Andreassen, DI Boomsma, SJ Burwell, DB Chorlian, ...
Brain and behavior 11 (8), e02188, 2021
Le traitement du langage
M Besson, C Magne, P Regnault
L’imagerie fonctionnelle électrique (EEG) et magnétique (MEG): Ses …, 2004
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Articles 1–20