Elisabetta Tedeschi
Elisabetta Tedeschi
Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) & University of Trento
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Review of control strategies for wave energy conversion systems and their validation: the wave-to-wire approach
L Wang, J Isberg, E Tedeschi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 366-379, 2018
Effect of control strategies and power take-off efficiency on the power capture from sea waves
E Tedeschi, M Carraro, M Molinas, P Mattavelli
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 26 (4), 1088-1098, 2011
High-bandwidth multisampled digitally controlled DC–DC converters using ripple compensation
L Corradini, P Mattavelli, E Tedeschi, D Trevisan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (4), 1501-1508, 2008
Digital deadbeat control tuning for dc-dc converters using error correlation
S Saggini, W Stefanutti, E Tedeschi, P Mattavelli
IEEE transactions on power electronics 22 (4), 1566-1570, 2007
Tunable control strategy for wave energy converters with limited power takeoff rating
E Tedeschi, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (10), 3838-3846, 2011
Modeling and control of a wave energy farm including energy storage for power quality enhancement: the bimep case study
E Tedeschi, M Santos-Mugica
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (3), 1489-1497, 2013
Exploring the Potential for Increased Production from the Wave Energy Converter Lifesaver by Reactive Control
J Sjolte, CML Sandvik, E Tedeschi, M Molinas
Energies 6 (8), 3706-3733, 2013
Compensation techniques based on reactive power conservation
P Tenti, P Mattavelli, E Tedeschi
Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation. Journal 13 (1), 17-24, 2007
Optimal Multiobjective Control of Low-Voltage AC Microgrids: Power Flow Regulation and Compensation of Reactive Power and Unbalance
DI Brandao, WM Ferreira, AMS Alonso, E Tedeschi, FP Marafão
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1239-1252, 2019
Dynamics and stability of meshed multiterminal hvdc networks
S Sanchez, A Garces, G Bergna-Diaz, E Tedeschi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (3), 1824-1833, 2018
PI passivity-based control and performance analysis of MMC multiterminal HVDC systems
G Bergna-Diaz, D Zonetti, S Sanchez, R Ortega, E Tedeschi
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (4 …, 2018
Cooperative design and control of distributed harmonic and reactive compensators
E Tedeschi, P Tenti
2008 International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation, 1-6, 2008
Generalized symmetrical components for periodic non-sinusoidal three-phase signals
P Tenti, J Willems, P Mattavelli, E Tedeschi
Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation Journal 13 (1), 9-15, 2007
Comparative analysis of European grid codes relevant to offshore renewable energy installations
E Robles, M Haro-Larrode, M Santos-Mugica, A Etxegarai, E Tedeschi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 102, 171-185, 2019
Improving electric power generation of a standalone wave energy converter via optimal electric load control
LG Wang, MF Lin, E Tedeschi, J Engström, J Isberg
Energy 211, 118945, 2020
Smart load management of water injection systems in offshore oil and gas platforms integrating wind power
S Sanchez, E Tedeschi, J Silva, M Jafar, A Marichalar
IET Renewable Power Generation 11 (9), 1153-1162, 2017
Compensation of load unbalance, reactive power and harmonic distortion by cooperative operation of distributed compensators
P Tenti, D Trombetti, E Tedeschi, P Mattavelli
2009 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-10, 2009
Impact of control strategies on the rating of electric power take off for wave energy conversion
E Tedeschi, M Molinas
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2406-2411, 2010
Passive Filter Design and Offshore Wind Turbine Modelling for System Level Harmonic Studies
H Brantsæter, Ł Kocewiak, AR Årdal, E Tedeschi
Energy Procedia 80, 401-410, 2015
Impact of state-space modelling fidelity on the small-signal dynamics of VSC-HVDC systems
M Amin, JA Suul, S D'Arco, E Tedeschi, M Molinas
11th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 1-11, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20