Experimental observation of isolated large transverse energy electrons with associated missing energy at s= 540 GeV G Arnison, A Astbury, B Aubert, C Bacci, G Bauer, A Bézaguet, R Böck, ... Physics Letters B 122 (1), 103-116, 1983 | 2798 | 1983 |
Experimental observation of lepton pairs of invariant mass around 95 GeV/c2 at the CERN SPS collider G Arnison, A Astbury, B Aubert, C Bacci, G Bauer, A Bezaguet, R Böck, ... Physics letters B 126 (5), 398-410, 1983 | 2797 | 1983 |
Zero modes of the vortex-fermion system R Jackiw, P Rossi Nuclear Physics B 190 (4), 681-691, 1981 | 740 | 1981 |
Critical exponents and equation of state of the three-dimensional Heisenberg universality class M Campostrini, M Hasenbusch, A Pelissetto, P Rossi, E Vicari Physical Review B 65 (14), 144520, 2002 | 578 | 2002 |
El nacimiento de la ciencia moderna en Europa P Rossi Grijaldo, 1998 | 556 | 1998 |
Further evidence for charged intermediate vector bosons at the SPS collider G Arnison, A Astbury, B Aubert, C Bacci, G Bauer, A Bezaguet, R Bock, ... Physics Letters B 129 (3-4), 273-282, 1983 | 501 | 1983 |
Critical behavior of the three-dimensional universality class M Campostrini, M Hasenbusch, A Pelissetto, P Rossi, E Vicari Physical Review B 63 (21), 214503, 2001 | 477 | 2001 |
Search for B0− B 0 oscillations at the CERN proton-antiproton collider C Albajar, MG Albrow, OC Allkofer, G Arnison, A Astbury, B Aubert, T Axon, ... Physics Letters B 186 (2), 247-254, 1987 | 470 | 1987 |
Los filósofos y las máquinas 1400-1700 P Rossi Labor, 1965 | 421 | 1965 |
O passado, a memória, o esquecimento: seis ensaios da história das ideias P Rossi editora UNESP, 2010 | 409 | 2010 |
Hadronic jet production at the CERN proton-antiproton collider G Arnison, A Astbury, B Aubert, C Bacci, G Bauer, A Bezaguet, RK Bock, ... Physics Letters B 132 (1-3), 214-222, 1983 | 357 | 1983 |
Experimental observation of events with large missing transverse energy accompanied by a jet or a photon (S) in pp collisions at s= 540 GeV G Arnison, OC Allkofer, A Astbury, B Aubert, C Bacci, G Bauer, ... Physics Letters B 139 (1-2), 115-125, 1984 | 354 | 1984 |
Associated production of an isolated, large-transverse-momentum lepton (electron or muon), and two jets at the CERN pp collider G Arnison, OC Allkofer, A Astbury, B Aubert, C Bacci, G Bauer, ... Physics Letters B 147 (6), 493-508, 1984 | 334 | 1984 |
Production of low transverse energy clusters in pp collisions at√ s= 0.2–0.9 TeV and their interpretation in terms of QCD jets C Albajar, MG Albrow, OC Allkofer, A Astbury, B Aubert, T Axon, C Bacci, ... Nuclear Physics B 309 (3), 405-425, 1988 | 314 | 1988 |
A supersymmetric Wess-Zumino lagrangian in two dimensions P Di Vecchia, VG Knizhnik, JL Petersen, P Rossi Nuclear Physics B 253, 701-726, 1985 | 302 | 1985 |
Events with large missing transverse energy at the CERN collider: III. Mass limits on supersymmetric particles C Albajar, MG Albrow, OC Allkofer, A Astbury, B Aubert, T Axon, C Bacci, ... Physics Letters B 198 (2), 261-270, 1987 | 285 | 1987 |
Beauty production at the CERN proton-antiproton collider C Albajar, MG Albrow, OC Allkofer, G Arnison, A Astbury, B Aubert, T Axon, ... Physics Letters B 186 (2), 237-246, 1987 | 273 | 1987 |
25th-order high-temperature expansion results for three-dimensional Ising-like systems on the simple-cubic lattice M Campostrini, A Pelissetto, P Rossi, E Vicari Physical Review E 65 (6), 066127, 2002 | 265 | 2002 |
Search for new heavy quarks at the CERN proton-antiproton collider UA1 collaboration, C Albajar, MG Albrow, OC Allkofer, A Astbury, B Aubert, ... Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 37, 505-525, 1988 | 240 | 1988 |
Intermediate vector boson cross sections at the CERN super proton synchrotron collider and the number of neutrino types C Albajar, MG Albrow, OC Allkofer, A Astbury, B Aubert, T Axon, C Bacci, ... Physics Letters B 198 (2), 271-280, 1987 | 205 | 1987 |