On the efficacy of Clovis fluted points for hunting proboscideans MI Eren, DJ Meltzer, B Story, B Buchanan, D Yeager, MR Bebber Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 39, 103166, 2021 | 46 | 2021 |
North American Clovis point form and performance: An experimental assessment of penetration depth MI Eren, B Story, A Perrone, M Bebber, M Hamilton, R Walker, ... Lithic Technology 45 (4), 263-282, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Miniaturization optimized weapon killing power during the social stress of late pre-contact North America (AD 600-1600) A Mika, K Flood, JD Norris, M Wilson, A Key, B Buchanan, B Redmond, ... Plos one 15 (3), e0230348, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Toward a functional understanding of the North American Old Copper Culture “technomic devolution” MR Bebber, MI Eren Journal of Archaeological Science 98, 34-44, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
Hunter-gatherer gatherings: Stone-tool microwear from the Welling Site (33-Co-2), Ohio, USA supports Clovis use of outcrop-related base camps during the Pleistocene Peopling of … GL Miller, MR Bebber, A Rutkoski, R Haythorn, MT Boulanger, ... World Archaeology 51 (1), 47-75, 2019 | 37 | 2019 |
Experimental assessment of proximal-lateral edge grinding on haft damage using replicated Late Pleistocene (Clovis) stone projectile points A Werner, A Kramer, C Reedy, MR Bebber, J Pargeter, MI Eren Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 5833-5849, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
The role of functional efficiency in the decline of North America’s Copper Culture (8000–3000 BP): an experimental, ecological, and evolutionary approach MR Bebber Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 28 (4), 1224-1260, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Developing a stable point: evaluating the temporal and geographic consistency of Late Prehistoric unnotched triangular point functional design in Midwestern North America MR Bebber, SJ Lycett, MI Eren Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 47, 72-82, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Plains Paleoindian projectile point penetration potential MI Eren, MR Bebber, EJ Knell, B Story, B Buchanan Journal of Anthropological Research 78 (1), 84-112, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
Description and microwear analysis of Clovis artifacts on a glacially-deposited secondary chert source near the Hartley Mastodon discovery, Columbiana County, Northeastern Ohio … MR Bebber, GL Miller, MT Boulanger, BN Andrews, BG Redmond, ... Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 543-552, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
The exceptional abandonment of metal tools by North American hunter-gatherers, 3000 BP MR Bebber, AJM Key, M Fisch, RS Meindl, MI Eren Scientific Reports 9 (1), 5756, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
The morphometrics and microwear of a small Clovis assemblage from Guernsey County, Southeastern Ohio, USA A Werner, K Jones, GL Miller, B Buchanan, MT Boulanger, AJM Key, ... Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 15, 318-329, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
The non-invention of the ceramic arrowhead in world archaeology MR Bebber, M Wilson, A Kramer, RS Meindl, B Buchanan, MI Eren Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31, 102283, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Not just for proboscidean hunting: On the efficacy and functions of Clovis fluted points MI Eren, DJ Meltzer, B Story, B Buchanan, D Yeager, MR Bebber Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45, 103601, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
North American Clovis point form and performance III: An experimental assessment of knife cutting efficiency A Mika, B Buchanan, R Walker, A Key, B Story, M Bebber, MI Eren Lithic Technology 47 (3), 203-220, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Tempered strength: A controlled experiment assessing opportunity costs of adding temper to clay MR Bebber Journal of Archaeological Science 86, 1-13, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
North American Clovis point form and performance II: An experimental assessment of point, haft, and shaft durability MI Eren, MR Bebber, D Wilcox, B Story, B Buchanan Lithic Technology 47 (1), 38-51, 2022 | 20 | 2022 |
Nine-thousand years of optimal toolstone selection through the North American Holocene JC Williams, DM Simone, B Buchanan, MT Boulanger, MR Bebber, ... antiquity 93 (368), 313-324, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
The Black Diamond site, Northeast Ohio, USA: A new Clovis occupation in a proposed secondary staging area MI Eren, GL Miller, B Buchanan, MT Boulanger, MR Bebber, ... Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 2, 211-233, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Description, morphometrics, and microwear of late Pleistocene-early Holocene artifacts from Southwestern Kentucky, USA MI Eren, MR Bebber, GL Miller, B Buchanan, M Boulanger, RJ Patten Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20, 516-523, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |