Bakhtiar Affendi Rosdi
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Fusion of band limited phase only correlation and width centroid contour distance for finger based biometrics
MSM Asaari, SA Suandi, BA Rosdi
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (7), 3367-3382, 2014
Finger vein recognition using local line binary pattern
BA Rosdi, CW Shing, SA Suandi
Sensors 11 (12), 11357-11371, 2011
Finger vein identification using deeply-fused Convolutional Neural Network
I Boucherit, MO Zmirli, H Hentabli, BA Rosdi
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (3 …, 2022
Finger vein recognition algorithm using phase only correlation
N Mahri, SAS Suandi, BA Rosdi
2010 International workshop on emerging techniques and challenges for hand …, 2010
Prediction of antimicrobial peptides based on sequence alignment and support vector machine‐pairwise algorithm utilizing LZ‐complexity
XY Ng, BA Rosdi, S Shahrudin
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 212715, 2015
Finger vein recognition using mutual sparse representation classification
S Shazeeda, BA Rosdi
IET biometrics 8 (1), 49-58, 2019
Adaptive Kalman Filter Incorporated Eigenhand (AKFIE) for real-time hand tracking system
MS Mohd Asaari, BA Rosdi, SA Suandi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74, 9231-9257, 2015
Finger-vein identification using pattern map and principal component analysis
TS Beng, BA Rosdi
Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), 2011 IEEE International …, 2011
FPGA-based hardware accelerator for the prediction of protein secondary class via fuzzy K-nearest neighbors with Lempel–Ziv complexity based distance measure
YT Tan, BA Rosdi
Neurocomputing 148, 409-419, 2015
Low contrast hand vein image enhancement
M Yakno, JM Saleh, BA Rosdi
2011 IEEE international conference on signal and image processing …, 2011
A new filter generation method in PCANet for finger vein recognition
NM Kamaruddin, BA Rosdi
IEEE Access 7, 132966-132978, 2019
Evaluate and determine the most appropriate method to identify finger vein
S Damavandinejadmonfared, AK Mobarakeh, SA Suandi, BA Rosdi
Procedia Engineering 41, 516-521, 2012
Intelligent biometric group hand tracking (IBGHT) database for visual hand tracking research and development
MSM Asaari, BA Rosdi, SA Suandi
Multimedia tools and applications 70, 1869-1898, 2014
Nearest centroid neighbor based sparse representation classification for finger vein recognition
S Shazeeda, BA Rosdi
IEEE Access 7, 5874-5885, 2018
Verilog hdl simulator technology: a survey
TS Tan, BA Rosdi
Journal of Electronic Testing 30, 255-269, 2014
New technique for larger ROI extraction of hand vein images
M Yakno, J Mohamad-Saleh, BA Rosdi
2015 International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and Systems …, 2015
Finger vein recognition using principle component analysis and adaptive k-nearest centroid neighbor classifier
BA Rosdi, N Mukahar, NT Han
International Journal of Integrated Engineering 13 (1), 177-187, 2021
Finger vein identification based on the fusion of nearest neighbor and sparse representation based classifiers
S Shazeeda, B Rosdi
Indian J Sci Technol 9 (48), 1-7, 2016
Reduction on the usage of intermediate registers for pipelined circuits
B Affendi, A Takahashi
Interval valued fuzzy sets k-nearest neighbors classifier for finger vein recognition
N Mukahar, BA Rosdi
Journal of physics: conference series 890 (1), 012069, 2017
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