Michele B. Halvorsen
Michele B. Halvorsen
JASCO Applied Sciences
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ASA S3/SC1. 4 TR-2014 sound exposure guidelines for fishes and sea turtles:
AN Popper, AD Hawkins, RR Fay, DA Mann, S Bartol, TJ Carlson, ...
ASA S3/SC1. 4 TR-2014 : A technical report prepared by ANSI-accredited …, 2014
Threshold for onset of injury in Chinook salmon from exposure to impulsive pile driving sounds
MB Halvorsen, BM Casper, CM Woodley, TJ Carlson, AN Popper
PLoS One 7 (6), e38968, 2012
Effects of exposure to pile-driving sounds on the lake sturgeon, Nile tilapia and hogchoker
MB Halvorsen, BM Casper, F Matthews, TJ Carlson, AN Popper
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1748), 4705-4714, 2012
The effects of high-intensity, low-frequency active sonar on rainbow trout
AN Popper, MB Halvorsen, A Kane, DL Miller, ME Smith, J Song, P Stein, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122 (1), 623-635, 2007
Effects of exposure to pile driving sounds on fish inner ear tissues
BM Casper, ME Smith, MB Halvorsen, H Sun, TJ Carlson, AN Popper
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2013
Latency as a function of intensity in auditory neurons: influences of central processing
A Klug, A Khan, RM Burger, EE Bauer, LM Hurley, L Yang, B Grothe, ...
Hearing research 148 (1-2), 107-123, 2000
Recovery of barotrauma injuries resulting from exposure to pile driving sound in two sizes of hybrid striped bass
BM Casper, MB Halvorsen, F Matthews, TJ Carlson, AN Popper
PloS one 8 (9), e73844, 2013
Recovery of barotrauma injuries in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from exposure to pile driving sound
BM Casper, AN Popper, F Matthews, TJ Carlson, MB Halvorsen
PloS one 7 (6), e39593, 2012
The antennal system and cockroach evasive behavior. II. Stimulus identification and localization are separable antennal functions
CM Comer, L Parks, MB Halvorsen, A Breese-Terteling
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 189, 97-103, 2003
Effects of mid-frequency active sonar on hearing in fish
MB Halvorsen, DG Zeddies, WT Ellison, DR Chicoine, AN Popper
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (1), 599-607, 2012
Are sharks even bothered by a noisy environment?
BM Casper, MB Halvorsen, AN Popper
The effects of noise on aquatic life, 93-97, 2012
A terminology standard for underwater acoustics and the benefits of international standardization
MA Ainslie, MB Halvorsen, SP Robinson
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 47 (1), 179-200, 2021
Predicting and mitigating hydroacoustic impacts on fish from pile installations. NCHRP Research Results Digest 363, Project 25–28, National Cooperative Highway Research Program
MB Halvorsen, BM Casper, CM Woodley, TJ Carlson, AN Popper
Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 15, 2011
Exposure of fish to high intensity sonar does not induce acute pathology
PAN Kane AS, Song J, Halvorsen MB, Miller D, Salerno JD, Wysocki LE, Zeddies DG
J. Fish Biology 76, 1825-1840, 2010
Anthropogenic sound and fishes
AN Popper, AD Hawkins, MB Halvorsen
Report by ICF for Washington State Department of Transportation; Research …, 2019
Barging effects on sensory systems of Chinook salmon smolts
MB Halvorsen, LE Wysocki, CM Stehr, DH Baldwin, DR Chicoine, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138 (4), 777-789, 2009
Predicting and mitigating hydroacoustic impacts on fish from pile installations
MB Halvorsen, BM Casper, CM Woodley, TJ Carlson, AN Popper
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Research Results Digest 363, 2011, 2011
Application of kurtosis to underwater sound
RAJ Müller, AM von Benda-Beckmann, MB Halvorsen, MA Ainslie
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148 (2), 780-792, 2020
Best Practice Guide for Underwater Particle Motion Measurement for Biological Applications.
SL Nedelec, MA Ainslie, MH Andersson, SH Cheong, MB Halvorsen, ...
University of Exeter for the IOGP Marine Sound and Life Joint Industry Programme, 2021
Verification of airgun sound field models for environmental impact assessment
MA Ainslie, MB Halvorsen, R Dekeling, RM Laws, AJ Duncan, AS Frankel, ...
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 27 (1), 2016
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