Cesar A. Martin
Cesar A. Martin
Professor, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, ESPOL (ROR 04qenc566). Ecuador
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Agile science: creating useful products for behavior change in the real world
EB Hekler, P Klasnja, WT Riley, MP Buman, J Huberty, DE Rivera, ...
Translational Behavioral Medicine, 1-12, 2016
A Dynamical Systems Model of Social Cognitive Theory
CA Martin, DE Rivera, WT Riley, EB Hekler, MP Buman, MA Adams, ...
Adaptive step goals and rewards: a longitudinal growth model of daily steps for a smartphone-based walking intervention
EV Korinek, SS Phatak, CA Martin, MT Freigoun, DE Rivera, MA Adams, ...
Journal of behavioral medicine 41, 74-86, 2018
Unrecognized left ventricular dysfunction in an apparently healthy cocaine abuse population
BD Bertolet, G Freund, DL Perchalski, CJ Pepine, CA Martin, CM Williams
Clinical cardiology 13 (5), 323-328, 1990
Development of a dynamic computational model of social cognitive theory
WT Riley, CA Martin, DE Rivera, EB Hekler, MA Adams, MP Buman, ...
Translational Behavioral Medicine, 1-13, 2015
Tutorial for using control systems engineering to optimize adaptive mobile health interventions
EB Hekler, DE Rivera, CA Martin, SS Phatak, MT Freigoun, E Korinek, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 20 (6), e214, 2018
Modeling individual differences: A case study of the application of system identification for personalizing a physical activity intervention
SS Phatak, MT Freigoun, CA Martín, DE Rivera, EV Korinek, MA Adams, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 79, 82-97, 2018
Development of a control-oriented model of social cognitive theory for optimized mHealth behavioral interventions
CA Martin, DE Rivera, EB Hekler, WT Riley, MP Buman, MA Adams, ...
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (2), 331-346, 2018
System identification of Just Walk: A behavioral mHealth intervention for promoting physical activity
MT Freigoun, CA Martín, AB Magann, DE Rivera, SS Phatak, EV Korinek, ...
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 116-121, 2017
A system identification approach for improving behavioral interventions based on Social Cognitive Theory
CA Martin, S Deshpande, EB Hekler, DE Rivera
2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 5878-5883, 2015
A decision framework for an adaptive behavioral intervention for physical activity using hybrid model predictive control
CA Martín, DE Rivera, EB Hekler
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 3576-3581, 2016
The importance of behavior theory in control system modeling of physical activity sensor data
WT Riley, CA Martin, DE Rivera
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual …, 2014
Agile science: creating useful products for behavior change in the real world. Transl Behav Med. 2016 Jun; 6 (2): 317–28. doi: 10.1007/s13142-016-0395-7
EB Hekler, P Klasnja, WT Riley, MP Buman, J Huberty, DE Rivera, ...
An identification test monitoring procedure for MIMO systems based on statistical uncertainty estimation
CA Martín, DE Rivera, EB Hekler
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2719-2724, 2015
Improving the quality of education on the galapagos islands through a community intranet
J Urquizo, D Lansdale, P Singh, S Chen, L Henderson, K Pierre, G Sowe, ...
2019 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 1-8, 2019
A system identification and control engineering approach for optimizing mhealth behavioral interventions based on social cognitive theory
CAM Moreno
Arizona State University, 2016
Design of informative identification experiments for behavioral interventions
CA Martín, DE Rivera, EB Hekler
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (28), 1325-1330, 2015
Agile science: creating useful products for behavior change in the real world. Transl Behav Med. 2016 Jun; 6 (2): 317–28. 10.1007/s13142-016-0395-7
EB Hekler, P Klasnja, WT Riley, MP Buman, J Huberty, DE Rivera, ...
Development and validation of a postprocedural model to predict outcome after endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke
V Chalos, E Venema, MJHL Mulder, B Roozenbeek, EW Steyerberg, ...
JAMA neurology 80 (9), 940-948, 2023
Leveraging intensive longitudinal data to better understand health behaviors
KP Timms, CA Martín, DE Rivera, EB Hekler, W Riley
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
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Articles 1–20