Ali Pesaranghader
Ali Pesaranghader
Sr. AI Research Scientist, LG Electronics
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Fast hoeffding drift detection method for evolving data streams
A Pesaranghader, HL Viktor
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2016
McDiarmid Drift Detection Methods for Evolving Data Streams
A Pesaranghader, H Viktor, E Paquet
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-9, 2018
Reservoir of diverse adaptive learners and stacking fast hoeffding drift detection methods for evolving data streams
A Pesaranghader, H Viktor, E Paquet
Machine Learning 107 (11), 1711-1743, 2018
deepBioWSD: effective deep neural word sense disambiguation of biomedical text data
A Pesaranghader, S Matwin, M Sokolova, A Pesaranghader
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 26 (5), 438-446, 2019
One single deep bidirectional LSTM network for word sense disambiguation of text data
A Pesaranghader, A Pesaranghader, S Matwin, M Sokolova
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 31st Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2018
A framework for classification in data streams using multi-strategy learning
A Pesaranghader, HL Viktor, E Paquet
Discovery Science: 19th International Conference, DS 2016, Bari, Italy …, 2016
Improving gloss vector semantic relatedness measure by integrating pointwise mutual information: Optimizing second-order co-occurrence vectors computed from biomedical corpus …
A Pesaranghader, S Muthaiyah, A Pesaranghader
2013 International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia, 196-201, 2013
Adapting gloss vector semantic relatedness measure for semantic similarity estimation: an evaluation in the biomedical domain
A Pesaranghader, A Rezaei, A Pesaranghader
Semantic Technology: Third Joint International Conference, JIST 2013, Seoul …, 2014
Word Sense Disambiguation for Biomedical Text Mining Using Definition-Based Semantic Relatedness and Similarity Measures
A Pesaranghader, A Pesaranghader, M Norwati
International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics 4, 280-283, 2014
Self-supervised Contrastive BERT Fine-tuning for Fusion-Based Reviewed-Item Retrieval
MMA Pour, P Farinneya, A Toroghi, A Korikov, A Pesaranghader, T Sajed, ...
Proceedings of the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval 2023, 2023
Gene functional similarity analysis by definition-based semantic similarity measurement of GO terms
A Pesaranghader, A Pesaranghader, A Rezaei, D Davoodi
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 27th Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2014
Applying semantic similarity measures to enhance topic-specific web crawling
A Pesaranghader, N Mustapha, A Pesaranghader
13th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications …, 2013
Improving multi-term topics focused crawling by introducing term Frequency-Information Content (TF-IC) measure
A Pesaranghader, A Pesaranghader, N Mustapha, NM Sharef
2013 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information …, 2013
Recipe-MPR: A Test Collection for Evaluating Multi-aspect Preference-based Natural Language Retrieval
H Zhang, A Korikov, P Farinneya, MM Abdollah Pour, M Bharadwaj, ...
Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2023
DiffuDetox: A Mixed Diffusion Model for Text Detoxification
G Floto, MMA Pour, P Farinneya, Z Tang, A Pesaranghader, M Bharadwaj, ...
In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 …, 2023
A reservoir of adaptive algorithms for online learning from evolving data streams
A Pesaranghader
Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa, 2018
Applying latent semantic analysis to optimize second-order co-occurrence vectors for semantic relatedness measurement
A Pesaranghader, A Pesaranghader, A Rezaei
Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration: First International …, 2013
Augmenting concept definition in gloss vector semantic relatedness measure using Wikipedia articles
A Pesaranghader, A Pesaranghader, A Rezaei
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and …, 2014
Term Frequency-Information Content for Focused Crawling to Predict Relevant Web Pages
A Pesaranghader, N Mustapha
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications 7 …, 2013
GPT-DETOX: An In-Context Learning-Based Paraphraser for Text Detoxification
A Pesaranghader, N Verma, M Bharadwaj
2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA …, 2023
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Articles 1–20