Andrew J Hoskins
Andrew J Hoskins
Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO
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Cited by
Has land use pushed terrestrial biodiversity beyond the planetary boundary? A global assessment
T Newbold, LN Hudson, AP Arnell, S Contu, A De Palma, S Ferrier, ...
Science 353 (6296), 288-291, 2016
Local biodiversity is higher inside than outside terrestrial protected areas worldwide
CL Gray, SLL Hill, T Newbold, LN Hudson, L Börger, S Contu, AJ Hoskins, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12306, 2016
Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy
D Leclère, M Obersteiner, M Barrett, SHM Butchart, A Chaudhary, ...
Nature 585 (7826), 551-556, 2020
Sustainable development must account for pandemic risk
M Di Marco, ML Baker, P Daszak, P De Barro, EA Eskew, CM Godde, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (8), 3888-3892, 2020
Accuracy of ARGOS locations of pinnipeds at-sea estimated using Fastloc GPS
DP Costa, PW Robinson, JPY Arnould, AL Harrison, SE Simmons, ...
PloS one 5 (1), e8677, 2010
Wilderness areas halve the extinction risk of terrestrial biodiversity
M Di Marco, S Ferrier, TD Harwood, AJ Hoskins, JEM Watson
Nature 573 (7775), 582-585, 2019
Projecting impacts of global climate and land‐use scenarios on plant biodiversity using compositional‐turnover modelling
M Di Marco, TD Harwood, AJ Hoskins, C Ware, SLL Hill, S Ferrier
Global Change Biology 25 (8), 2763-2778, 2019
Reconciling global priorities for conserving biodiversity habitat
K Mokany, S Ferrier, TD Harwood, C Ware, M Di Marco, HS Grantham, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (18), 9906-9911, 2020
A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios
HJ Kim, IMD Rosa, R Alkemade, P Leadley, G Hurtt, A Popp, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (11), 4537-4562, 2018
Continued population recovery by Australian fur seals
R Kirkwood, D Pemberton, R Gales, AJ Hoskins, T Mitchell, ...
Marine and freshwater research 61 (6), 695-701, 2010
Detailed assessment of the reported economic costs of invasive species in Australia
CJA Bradshaw, AJ Hoskins, PJ Haubrock, RN Cuthbert, C Diagne, ...
NeoBiota 67, 511-550, 2021
Downscaling land‐use data to provide global 30 ″estimates of five land‐use classes
AJ Hoskins, A Bush, J Gilmore, T Harwood, LN Hudson, C Ware, ...
Ecology and Evolution 6 (9), 3040-3055, 2016
Identification of prey captures in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) using head-mounted accelerometers: field validation with animal-borne video cameras
BL Volpov, AJ Hoskins, BC Battaile, M Viviant, KE Wheatley, G Marshall, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0128789, 2015
Benefits of group foraging depend on prey type in a small marine predator, the little penguin
GJ Sutton, AJ Hoskins, JPY Arnould
PloS one 10 (12), e0144297, 2015
Foraging behaviour and habitat selection of the little penguin Eudyptula minor during early chick rearing in Bass Strait, Australia
AJ Hoskins, P Dann, Y Ropert-Coudert, A Kato, A Chiaradia, DP Costa, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 366, 293-303, 2008
From video recordings to whisker stable isotopes: a critical evaluation of timescale in assessing individual foraging specialisation in Australian fur seals
L Kernaléguen, N Dorville, D Ierodiaconou, AJ Hoskins, AMM Baylis, ...
Oecologia 180, 657-670, 2016
Use of anthropogenic sea floor structures by Australian fur seals: potential positive ecological impacts of marine industrial development?
JPY Arnould, J Monk, D Ierodiaconou, MA Hindell, J Semmens, ...
PLoS One 10 (7), e0130581, 2015
Dimensions of biodiversity loss: Spatial mismatch in land‐use impacts on species, functional and phylogenetic diversity of European bees
A De Palma, M Kuhlmann, R Bugter, S Ferrier, AJ Hoskins, SG Potts, ...
Diversity and Distributions 23 (12), 1435-1446, 2017
A globally applicable indicator of the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to retain biological diversity under climate change: The bioclimatic ecosystem resilience index
S Ferrier, TD Harwood, C Ware, AJ Hoskins
Ecological Indicators 117, 106554, 2020
The foraging range of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) during winter
C McCutcheon, P Dann, M Salton, L Renwick, AJ Hoskins, AM Gormley, ...
Emu 111 (4), 321-329, 2011
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Articles 1–20