Thomas Anthony Ulrich
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Cited by
Guideline for operational nuclear usability and knowledge elicitation (GONUKE)
RL Boring, TA Ulrich, JC Joe, RT Lew
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1327-1334, 2015
The roles of gender, age and cognitive development in children's pedestrian route selection
BK Barton, T Ulrich, B Lyday
Child: care, health and development 38 (2), 280-286, 2012
Auditory detection and localization of approaching vehicles
BK Barton, TA Ulrich, R Lew
Accident Analysis & Prevention 49, 347-353, 2012
Computerized operator support systems to aid decision making in nuclear power plants
RL Boring, KD Thomas, TA Ulrich, RT Lew
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 5261-5268, 2015
Developmental differences in auditory detection and localization of approaching vehicles
BK Barton, R Lew, C Kovesdi, ND Cottrell, T Ulrich
Accident Analysis & Prevention 53, 1-8, 2013
A framework to collect human reliability analysis data for nuclear power plants using a simplified simulator and student operators
J Park, RL Boring, TA Ulrich, R Lew, S Lee, B Park, J Kim
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 221, 108326, 2022
Rancor: a gamified microworld nuclear power plant simulation for engineering psychology research and process control applications
TA Ulrich, R Lew, S Werner, RL Boring
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 61 (1 …, 2017
A prototyping environment for research on human-machine interfaces in process control use of Microsoft WPF for microworld and distributed control system development
R Lew, RL Boring, TA Ulrich
2014 7th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS), 1-6, 2014
A comparison study of operator preference and performance for analog versus digital turbine control systems in control room modernization
RL Boring, TA Ulrich, R Lew, CR Kovesdi, A Al Rashdan
Nuclear Technology 205 (4), 507-523, 2019
Advanced nuclear interface modeling environment (ANIME): A tool for developing human-computer interfaces for experimental process control systems
R Boring, R Lew, T Ulrich
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. Interacting with Information …, 2017
Early-stage design and evaluation for nuclear power plant control room upgrades
RL Boring, JC Joe, TA Ulrich, RT Lew
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Applying human factors evaluation and design guidance to a nuclear power plant digital control system
T Ulrich, R Boring, W Phoenix, E Dehority, T Whiting, J Morrell, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2012
Integration of Human Reliability Analysis Models into the Simulation-Based Framework for the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit
R Boring, D Mandelli, M Rasmussen, S Herberger, T Ulrich, K Groth, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2016
Operator Performance Metrics for Control Room Modernization: A Practical Guide for Early Design Evaluation
R Boring, R Lew, T Ulrich, J Joe
INL/EXT-14-31511, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, 2014
Scalable technologies achieving risk-informed condition-based predictive maintenance enhancing the economic performance of operating nuclear power plants
V Agarwal, KA Manjunatha, AV Gribok, TJ Mortenson, H Bao, RD Reese, ...
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2021
Human unimodel for nuclear technology to enhance reliability (HUNTER): a framework for computational-based human reliability analysis
R Boring, D Mandelli, M Rasmussen, S Herberger, T Ulrich, K Groth, ...
13th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and …, 2017
Nuclear reactor crew evaluation of a computerized operator support system HMI for chemical and volume control system
R Lew, TA Ulrich, RL Boring
Augmented Cognition. Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human …, 2017
A Computuerized Operator Support System Prototype
K Thomas, R Boring, R Lew, T Ulrich, R Villim
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2013
Detection and localization of approaching vehicles in the presence of competing vehicle noise
TA Ulrich, BK Barton, R Lew
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 26, 151-159, 2014
The Development and Evaluation of Attention and Situation Awareness Measures in Nuclear Process Control Using the Rancor Microworld Environment
TA Ulrich
University of Idaho, 2017
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Articles 1–20