Kathrin Rothermich
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Cited by
Rhythm's gonna get you: Regular meter facilitates semantic sentence processing
K Rothermich, M Schmidt-Kassow, SA Kotz
Neuropsychologia 50 (2), 232-244, 2012
Functional dissociation of pre-SMA and SMA-proper in temporal processing
M Schwartze, K Rothermich, SA Kotz
Neuroimage 60 (1), 290-298, 2012
Preferential decoding of emotion from human non-linguistic vocalizations versus speech prosody
MD Pell, K Rothermich, P Liu, S Paulmann, S Sethi, S Rigoulot
Biological Psychology 111, 14-25, 2015
Temporal regularity effects on pre-attentive and attentive processing of deviance
M Schwartze, K Rothermich, M Schmidt-Kassow, SA Kotz
Biological psychology 87 (1), 146-151, 2011
Predictions in speech comprehension: fMRI evidence on the meter–semantic interface
K Rothermich, SA Kotz
NeuroImage 70, 89-100, 2013
Exercising during learning improves vocabulary acquisition: Behavioral and ERP evidence
M Schmidt-Kassow, A Kulka, TC Gunter, K Rothermich, SA Kotz
Neuroscience letters 482 (1), 40-44, 2010
Event-related potential responses to metric violations: rules versus meaning
K Rothermich, M Schmidt-Kassow, M Schwartze, SA Kotz
Neuroreport 21 (8), 580-584, 2010
Social perception in adults with Parkinson’s Disease
MD Pell, L Monetta, K Rothermich, SA Kotz, HS Cheang, S McDonald
Neuropsychology, 2014
The Influence of Personality Traits on Attitudes Towards Climate Change – An Exploratory Study
K Rothermich, EK Johnson, RM Griffiths, M Beingolea
Personality and Individual Differences 168, 110304, 2020
Did you get the beat? Late proficient French-German learners extract strong–weak patterns in tonal but not in linguistic sequences
M Schmidt-Kassow, K Rothermich, M Schwartze, SA Kotz
Neuroimage 54 (1), 568-576, 2011
The sound of (in)sincerity
K Fish, K Rothermich, MD Pell
Journal of Pragmatics 121, 147–161, 2017
Introducing RISC: A new video inventory for testing social perception
K Rothermich, MD Pell
PLOS ONE 10 (7), 1-24, 2015
Nonliteral language processing across the lifespan
K Rothermich, C Giorio Jackson, S Falkins, L Leonard, A Roberts
Acta Psychologica 212, 1-8, 2021
Change in humor and sarcasm use based on anxiety and depression symptom severity during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Rothermich, A Ogunlana, N Jaworska
Journal of Psychiatric Research 140, 95-100, 2021
Listener Impressions of Foreigner-Directed Speech: A Systematic Review
K Rothermich, HL Harris, K Sewell, SC Bobb
Speech Communication 112, 22-29, 2019
Differences in the Evaluation of Prosocial Lies: A cross-cultural study of Canadian, Chinese and German adults
RM Giles, K Rothermich, MD Pell
Frontiers in Communication 4 (38), 1-11, 2019
Eye Tracking Measures for Studying Language Comprehension Deficits in Aphasia: A Systematic Search and Scoping Review
S Sharma, H Kim, H Harris, A Haberstroh, HH Wright, K Rothermich
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 64 (3), 1008-1022, 2021
Do They Really Mean It? Children’s Inference of Speaker Intentions and the Role of Age and Gender
K Rothermich, O Caivano, LJ Knoll, V Talwar
Language and Speech, 1-24, 2019
Second Language Learners’ Listener Impressions of Foreigner-Directed Speech
SC Bobb, K Mello, E Turco, L Lemes, E Fernandez, K Rothermich
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-14, 2019
Relative Weight Analysis of the Western Aphasia Battery
C Ellis, RK Peach, K Rothermich
Aphasiology, 1-12, 2020
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Articles 1–20