Covariation between variables in a modelling process: The ACODESA (collaborative learning, scientific debate and self-reflection) method F Hitt, AS González-Martín
Educational studies in mathematics 88 (2), 201-219, 2015
136 2015 Didactic Situations and Didactical Engineering in university mathematics: cases from the study of Calculus and proof AS González-Martín, I Bloch, V Durand-Guerrier, M Maschietto
Research in Mathematics Education 16 (2), 117-134, 2014
86 2014 The introduction of real numbers in secondary education: an institutional analysis of textbooks AS González-Martín, V Giraldo, AM Souto
Research in Mathematics Education 15 (3), 230-248, 2013
60 2013 What is first-year Mathematics students' actual knowledge about improper integrals? AS González-Martín, M Camacho*
International journal of mathematical education in science and technology 35 …, 2004
58 2004 Conceptually driven and visually rich tasks in texts and teaching practice: the case of infinite series AS González-Martín, E Nardi, I Biza
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 42 …, 2011
52 2011 La generalización de la integral definida desde las perspectivas numérica, gráfica y simbólica utilizando entornos informáticos. Problemas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje AS González-Martín
PQDT-Global, 2006
50 2006 Generalization, covariation, functions, and calculus F Hitt, AS González-Martín
The second handbook of research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1-38, 2016
41 2016 Institutional, sociocultural and discursive approaches to research in university mathematics education E Nardi, I Biza, AS González-Martín, G Gueudet, C Winsløw
Research in Mathematics Education 16 (2), 91-94, 2014
37 2014 Sobre la comprensión en estudiantes de matemáticas del concepto de integral impropia. Algunas dificultades, obstáculos y errores A González-Martín, MC Machín
Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de investigación y experiencias …, 2005
36 2005 Mathematics and other disciplines, and the role of modelling: Advances and challenges AS González-Martín, G Gueudet, B Barquero, A Romo-Vázquez
Research and development in university mathematics education, 169-189, 2021
34 2021 The use of integrals in Mechanics of Materials textbooks for engineering students: the case of the first moment of an area A Gonzalez-Martin
INDRUM 2018, 2018
34 2018 How are Calculus notions used in engineering? An example with integrals and bending moments AS González-Martín, GH Gomes
CERME 10, 2017
34 2017 Legitimization of the Graphic Register in Problem Solving at the Undergraduate Level: The Case of the Improper Integral. AS González-Martín, M Camacho
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2004
30 2004 From resource to document: Scaffolding content and organising student learning in teachers’ documentation work on the teaching of series AS González-Martín, E Nardi, I Biza
Educational Studies in Mathematics 98, 231-252, 2018
23 2018 Derivatives and the Study of Motion at the Intersection of Calculus and Mechanics: a Praxeological Analysis of Practices at the College Level M Hitier, AS González-Martín
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 8 …, 2022
20 2022 . The Use of Integrals in Engineering Programmes: a Praxeological Analysis of Textbooks and Teaching Practices in Strength of Materials and …AS González-Martín
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 7 …, 2021
19 2021 ‘Scaffolding’or ‘filtering’: a review of studies on the diverse roles of calculus courses for students, professionals and teachers I Biza, AS González-Martín, A Pinto
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 8 …, 2022
15 2022 Mathematics in engineering programs: what teachers with different academic and professional backgrounds bring to the table. An institutional analysis AS González-Martín, G Hernandes-Gomes
Research in Mathematics Education 22 (1), 67-86, 2020
15 2020 Mathematics in Engineering: The professors' vision GH Gomes, AS González-Martín
CERME 9-Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics …, 2015
15 2015 Una aproximación a los problemas de optimización en libros de Bachillerato y su resolución con la TI-92 MC Machín, ASG Martín
Aula 10, 1998
14 1998