Motor control by sensory cortex F Matyas, V Sreenivasan, F Marbach, C Wacongne, B Barsy, C Mateo, ... Science 330 (6008), 1240-1243, 2010 | 415 | 2010 |
Membrane potential correlates of sensory perception in mouse barrel cortex S Sachidhanandam, V Sreenivasan, A Kyriakatos, Y Kremer, ... Nature neuroscience 16 (11), 1671-1677, 2013 | 391 | 2013 |
Pyramidal cell regulation of interneuron survival sculpts cortical networks FK Wong, K Bercsenyi, V Sreenivasan, A Portalés, M Fernández-Otero, ... Nature 557 (7707), 668-673, 2018 | 255 | 2018 |
Movement initiation signals in mouse whisker motor cortex V Sreenivasan, V Esmaeili, T Kiritani, K Galan, S Crochet, CCH Petersen Neuron 92 (6), 1368-1382, 2016 | 100 | 2016 |
Parallel pathways from motor and somatosensory cortex for controlling whisker movements in mice V Sreenivasan, K Karmakar, FM Rijli, CCH Petersen European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (3), 354-367, 2015 | 77 | 2015 |
Parallel pathways from whisker and visual sensory cortices to distinct frontal regions of mouse neocortex V Sreenivasan, A Kyriakatos, C Mateo, D Jaeger, CCH Petersen Neurophotonics 4 (3), 031203-031203, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Prediction by promoter logic in bacterial quorum sensing N Rai, R Anand, K Ramkumar, V Sreenivasan, S Dabholkar, ... PLoS computational biology 8 (1), e1002361, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Serotonergic regulation of bipolar cell survival in the developing cerebral cortex FK Wong, M Selten, C Rosés-Novella, V Sreenivasan, N Pallas-Bazarra, ... Cell Reports 40 (1), 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Input-specific control of interneuron numbers in nascent striatal networks V Sreenivasan, E Serafeimidou-Pouliou, D Exposito-Alonso, K Bercsenyi, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (20), e2118430119, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Spindle reorientation in response to mechanical stress is an emergent property of the spindle positioning mechanisms M Kelkar, P Bohec, MB Smith, V Sreenivasan, A Lisica, L Valon, E Ferber, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (26), e2121868119, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Inhibition patterns the whisking rhythm V Sreenivasan, CCH Petersen Neuron 90 (2), 211-213, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |