Enzo De Sena
Enzo De Sena
Associate Professor (Reader), University of Surrey
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Cited by
On the Design and Implementation of Higher-Order Differential Microphones
E De Sena, H Hacihabiboglu, Z Cvetkovic
Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on 20 (1), 162 - 174, 2012
Evaluating vehicle network strategies for downtown Portland: opportunistic infrastructure and the importance of realistic mobility models
G Marfia, G Pau, E De Sena, E Giordano, M Gerla
Proceedings of the 1st international MobiSys workshop on Mobile …, 2007
Room impulse response interpolation using a sparse spatio-temporal representation of the sound field
N Antonello, E De Sena, M Moonen, PA Naylor, T Van Waterschoot
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (10 …, 2017
On the modeling of rectangular geometries in room acoustic simulations
E De Sena, N Antonello, M Moonen, T Van Waterschoot
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 23 (4), 774-786, 2015
Efficient Synthesis of Room Acoustics via Scattering Delay Networks
E De Sena, H Hacıhabiboğlu, Z Cvetković, JO Smith III
IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio Speech Language Process. 23 (9), 1478-1492, 2015
Perceptual Spatial Audio Recording, Simulation, and Rendering: An overview of spatial-audio techniques based on psychoacoustics
H Hacihabiboglu, E De Sena, Z Cvetkovic, J Johnston, JO Smith III
IEEE signal processing magazine 34 (3), 36-54, 2017
Analysis and design of multichannel systems for perceptual sound field reconstruction
E De Sena, H Hacıhabiboğlu, Z Cvetković
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 21 (8), 1653-1665, 2013
Electronic device with digital reverberator and method
E De Sena, Z Cvetkovic, H Hacihabiboglu
US Patent 8,908,875, 2014
Scattering delay network: An interactive reverberator for computer games
E De Sena, H Hacihabiboglu, Z Cvetkovic
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 41st International Conference: Audio …, 2011
Vanet: On mobility scenarios and urban infrastructure. a case study
G Marfia, G Pau, E Giordano, E De Sena, M Gerla
2007 Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments, 31-36, 2007
Microphone array
E De Sena, H Hacihabibo, Z Cvetković
US Patent 8,976,977, 2015
On the relative importance of visual and spatial audio rendering on vr immersion
T Potter, Z Cvetković, E De Sena
Frontiers in Signal Processing 2, 904866, 2022
A scalable algorithm for physically motivated and sparse approximation of room impulse responses with orthonormal basis functions
G Vairetti, E De Sena, M Catrysse, SH Jensen, M Moonen, ...
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (7), 1547 …, 2017
Vergilius: A scenario generator for vanet
E Giordano, E De Sena, G Pau, M Gerla
2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2010
Low-complexity steered response power mapping based on Nyquist-Shannon sampling
T Dietzen, E De Sena, T Van Waterschoot
2021 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and …, 2021
Frequency-Domain Scattering Delay Networks for Simulating Room Acoustics in Virtual Environments
H Hacıhabiboglu, E De Sena, Z Cvetkovic
An automatic design procedure for low-order IIR parametric equalizers
G Vairetti, E De Sena, M Catrysse, SH Jensen, M Moonen, ...
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 66 (11), 935-952, 2018
Localization of a virtual wall by means of active echolocation by untrained sighted persons
D Pelegrín-García, E De Sena, T van Waterschoot, M Rychtáriková, ...
Applied Acoustics 139, 82-92, 2018
Scattering delay network simulator of coupled volume acoustics
TB Atalay, ZS Gül, E De Sena, Z Cvetković, H Hacıhabiboğlu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 30, 582-593, 2022
Evaluation of the perceived naturalness of artificial reverberation algorithms
S Djordjevic, H Hacihabiboglu, Z Cvetkovic, E De Sena
Audio Engineering Society Convention 148, 2020
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Articles 1–20