Lisa Marie Emerson
Lisa Marie Emerson
Verifisert e-postadresse på canterbury.ac.nz
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Teaching mindfulness to teachers: A systematic review and narrative synthesis
LM Emerson, A Leyland, K Hudson, G Rowse, P Hanley, S Hugh-Jones
Mindfulness 8, 1136-1149, 2017
Experimental effects of mindfulness inductions on self-regulation: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
A Leyland, G Rowse, LM Emerson
Emotion 19 (1), 108, 2019
Mindfulness interventions in schools: Integrity and feasibility of implementation
LM Emerson, NN de Diaz, A Sherwood, A Waters, L Farrell
International Journal of Behavioral Development 44 (1), 62-75, 2020
Psychological well-being and coping: The predictive value of adult attachment, dispositional mindfulness, and emotion regulation
JC Stevenson, A Millings, LM Emerson
Mindfulness 10 (2), 256-271, 2019
Love is the triumph of the imagination: Daydreams about significant others are associated with increased happiness, love and connection
GL Poerio, P Totterdell, LM Emerson, E Miles
Consciousness and Cognition 33, 135-144, 2015
The relationship between adult attachment orientation and mindfulness: A systematic review and meta-analysis
JC Stevenson, LM Emerson, A Millings
Mindfulness 8, 1438-1455, 2017
Less food for thought. Impact of attentional instructions on intrusive thoughts about snack foods
J May, J Andrade, H Batey, LM Berry, DJ Kavanagh
Appetite 55 (2), 279-287, 2010
A review of obsessive intrusive thoughts in the general population
LM Berry, B Laskey
Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 1 (2), 125-132, 2012
Self-compassion improves parental well-being in response to challenging parenting events
FM Sirois, S Bögels, LM Emerson
The Journal of psychology 153 (3), 327-341, 2019
Psychological treatments in adult ADHD: a systematic review
T Fullen, SL Jones, LM Emerson, M Adamou
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 42 (3), 500-518, 2020
Mindful parenting in secondary child mental health: key parenting predictors of treatment effects
LM Emerson, E Aktar, E de Bruin, E Potharst, S Bögels
Mindfulness 12 (2), 532-542, 2021
The role of collaboration in the cognitive development of young children: a systematic review
J Sills, G Rowse, LM Emerson
Child: care, health and development 42 (3), 313-324, 2016
Emotional and behavioral reaction to intrusive thoughts
LM Berry, J May, J Andrade, D Kavanagh
Assessment 17 (1), 126-137, 2010
Hunger-related intrusive thoughts reflect increased accessibility of food items
LM Berry, J Andrade, J May
Cognition and Emotion 21 (4), 865-878, 2007
Social daydreaming and adjustment: an experience-sampling study of socio-emotional adaptation during a life transition
GL Poerio, P Totterdell, LM Emerson, E Miles
Frontiers in psychology 7, 13, 2016
Helping the heart grow fonder during absence: daydreaming about significant others replenishes connectedness after induced loneliness
GL Poerio, P Totterdell, LM Emerson, E Miles
Cognition and Emotion 30 (6), 1197-1207, 2016
Compassion-focused self-help for psychological distress associated with skin conditions: A randomized feasibility trial
MP Hudson, AR Thompson, LM Emerson
Psychology & health 35 (9), 1095-1114, 2020
A systematic review of self-report measures of paranoia.
V Statham, LM Emerson, G Rowse
Psychological assessment 31 (2), 139, 2019
A systemic approach to pediatric chronic health conditions: why we need to address parental stress
LM Emerson, S Bögels
Journal of Child and Family Studies 26, 2347-2348, 2017
Teaching mindfulness to teachers: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Mindfulness, 8 (5), 1136–1149
LM Emerson, A Leyland, K Hudson, G Rowse, P Hanley, S Hugh-Jones
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