Henry Chappell
Henry Chappell
Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina
Verifisert e-postadresse på moore.sc.edu
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Campaign contributions and congressional voting: A simultaneous probit-tobit model
HW Chappell
The review of economics and statistics, 77-83, 1982
A new view of political accountability for economic performance
HW Chappell, WR Keech
American Political Science Review 79 (1), 10-27, 1985
Partisan monetary policies: Presidential influence through the power of appointment
HW Chappell Jr, TM Havrilesky, RR McGregor
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 108 (1), 185-218, 1993
Party differences in macroeconomic policies and outcomes
HW Chappell, WR Keech
The American Economic Review 76 (2), 71-74, 1986
Committee decisions on monetary policy: Evidence from historical records of the Federal Open Market Committee
HW Chappell Jr, RR McGregor, T Vermilyea
MIT press, 2004
Policy motivation and party differences in a dynamic spatial model of party competition
HW Chappell, WR Keech
American political science review 80 (3), 881-899, 1986
The unemployment rate consequences of partisan monetary policies
HW Chappell Jr, WR Keech
Southern Economic Journal, 107-122, 1988
Economics and elections in Western Europe: 1960–1997
HW Chappell Jr, LG Veiga
Electoral Studies 19 (2-3), 183-197, 2000
Campaign contributions and voting on the cargo preference bill: A comparison of simultaneous models
HW Chappell Jr
Public Choice 36 (2), 301-312, 1981
Firms' acquisition decisions and Tobin's q ratio
HW Chappell Jr, DC Cheng
Journal of Economics and Business 36 (1), 29-42, 1984
Presidential popularity and macroeconomic performance: are voters really so naive?
HW Chappell
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 385-392, 1983
Majority rule, consensus building, and the power of the chairman: Arthur Burns and the FOMC
HW Chappell Jr, RR McGregor, T Vermilyea
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 407-422, 2004
A long history of FOMC voting behavior
HW Chappell Jr, RR McGregor
Southern Economic Journal 66 (4), 906-922, 2000
Economic performance, voting, and political support: A unified approach
HW Chappell Jr
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 313-320, 1990
Policymakers, institutions, and central bank decisions
HW Chappell Jr, TM Havrilesky, RR McGregor
Journal of Economics and Business 47 (2), 113-136, 1995
Regional economic conditions and monetary policy
HW Chappell Jr, RR McGregor, TA Vermilyea
European Journal of Political Economy 24 (2), 283-293, 2008
Campaign advertising and political ambiguity
HW Chappell Jr
Public Choice 79 (3), 281-303, 1994
The rationality of economic voting revisited
M Suzuki, HW Chappell Jr
The journal of Politics 58 (1), 224-236, 1996
Monetary Policy Preferences of Individual FOMC Members: A Content Analysis of the Memoranda Of Discussion
HW Chappell Jr, TM Havrilesky, RR McGregor
Review of Economics and Statistics 79 (3), 454-460, 1997
Forecasting presidential elections using history and polls
LB Brown, HW Chappell Jr
International Journal of Forecasting 15 (2), 127-135, 1999
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