Devin Pope
Devin Pope
Professor of Behavioral Science, University of Chicago
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What’s in a Picture?: Evidence of Discrimination from Prosper. com
DG Pope, JR Sydnor
Journal of Human resources 46 (1), 53-92, 2011
Is Tiger Woods loss averse? Persistent bias in the face of experience, competition, and high stakes
DG Pope, ME Schweitzer
American Economic Review 101 (1), 129-157, 2011
What motivates effort? Evidence and expert forecasts
S DellaVigna, D Pope
The Review of Economic Studies 85 (2), 1029-1069, 2018
Heuristic thinking and limited attention in the car market
N Lacetera, DG Pope, JR Sydnor
American Economic Review 102 (5), 2206-2236, 2012
Reacting to rankings: evidence from “America's Best Hospitals”
DG Pope
Journal of health economics 28 (6), 1154-1165, 2009
Reference-dependent preferences: Evidence from marathon runners
EJ Allen, PM Dechow, DG Pope, G Wu
Management Science 63 (6), 1657-1672, 2017
The impact of college sports success on the quantity and quality of student applications
DG Pope, JC Pope
Southern Economic Journal 75 (3), 750-780, 2009
Failure to refinance
BJ Keys, DG Pope, JC Pope
Journal of Financial Economics 122 (3), 482-499, 2016
Monetary incentives increase COVID-19 vaccinations
P Campos-Mercade, AN Meier, FH Schneider, S Meier, D Pope, ...
Science 374 (6569), 879-882, 2021
Does online search crowd out traditional search and improve matching efficiency? Evidence from Craigslist
K Kroft, DG Pope
Journal of Labor Economics 32 (2), 259-303, 2014
Can losing lead to winning?
J Berger, D Pope
Management Science 57 (5), 817-827, 2011
The psychological effect of weather on car purchases
MR Busse, DG Pope, JC Pope, J Silva-Risso
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 130 (1), 371-414, 2015
Inaccurate statistical discrimination: An identification problem
JA Bohren, K Haggag, A Imas, DG Pope
Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-45, 2023
Geographic variation in the gender differences in test scores
DG Pope, JR Sydnor
Journal of Economic Perspectives 24 (2), 95-108, 2010
Round numbers as goals: Evidence from baseball, SAT takers, and the lab
D Pope, U Simonsohn
Psychological science 22 (1), 71-79, 2011
Predicting experimental results: who knows what?
S DellaVigna, D Pope
Journal of Political Economy 126 (6), 2410-2456, 2018
Improving college performance and retention the easy way: Unpacking the ACT exam
EP Bettinger, BJ Evans, DG Pope
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5 (2), 26-52, 2013
Crime and property values: Evidence from the 1990s crime drop
DG Pope, JC Pope
Regional science and urban economics 42 (1-2), 177-188, 2012
When Walmart comes to town: Always low housing prices? Always?
DG Pope, JC Pope
Journal of Urban Economics 87, 1-13, 2015
Awareness reduces racial bias
DG Pope, J Price, J Wolfers
Management Science 64 (11), 4988-4995, 2018
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