Jorge Bernal
Cited by
Cited by
WM-DOVA maps for accurate polyp highlighting in colonoscopy: Validation vs. saliency maps from physicians
J Bernal, FJ Sánchez, G Fernández-Esparrach, D Gil, C Rodríguez, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 43, 99-111, 2015
A benchmark for endoluminal scene segmentation of colonoscopy images
D Vázquez, J Bernal, FJ Sánchez, G Fernández-Esparrach, AM López, ...
Journal of healthcare engineering 2017 (1), 4037190, 2017
Towards automatic polyp detection with a polyp appearance model
J Bernal, J Sánchez, F Vilarino
Pattern Recognition 45 (9), 3166-3182, 2012
Comparative validation of polyp detection methods in video colonoscopy: results from the MICCAI 2015 endoscopic vision challenge
J Bernal, N Tajkbaksh, FJ Sanchez, BJ Matuszewski, H Chen, L Yu, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 36 (6), 1231-1249, 2017
Exploring the clinical potential of an automatic colonic polyp detection method based on the creation of energy maps
G Fernández-Esparrach, J Bernal, M López-Cerón, H Córdova, ...
Endoscopy 48 (09), 837-842, 2016
Towards real-time polyp detection in colonoscopy videos: Adapting still frame-based methodologies for video sequences analysis
Q Angermann, J Bernal, C Sánchez-Montes, M Hammami, ...
Computer Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy and Clinical Image-Based Procedures …, 2017
Towards a computed-aided diagnosis system in colonoscopy: automatic polyp segmentation using convolution neural networks
P Brandao, O Zisimopoulos, E Mazomenos, G Ciuti, J Bernal, ...
Journal of Medical Robotics Research 3 (02), 1840002, 2018
Results of the use of Kahoot! gamification tool in a course of Chemistry
AM Ares, J Bernal, MJ Nozal, FJ Sánchez, J Bernal
4th international conference on higher education advances (HEAD'18), 1215-1222, 2018
Impact of image preprocessing methods on polyp localization in colonoscopy frames
J Bernal, J Sánchez, F Vilarino
2013 35th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2013
Computer-aided prediction of polyp histology on white light colonoscopy using surface pattern analysis
C Sánchez-Montes, FJ Sánchez, J Bernal, H Córdova, M López-Cerón, ...
Endoscopy 51 (03), 261-265, 2019
Polyp detection benchmark in colonoscopy videos using gtcreator: A novel fully configurable tool for easy and fast annotation of image databases
JJ Bernal, A Histace, M Masana, Q Angermann, C Sánchez-Montes, ...
Proceedings of 32nd CARS conference, 2018
Establishing key research questions for the implementation of artificial intelligence in colonoscopy: a modified Delphi method
OF Ahmad, Y Mori, M Misawa, S Kudo, JT Anderson, J Bernal, TM Berzin, ...
Endoscopy 53 (09), 893-901, 2021
Polyp segmentation with fully convolutional deep neural networks—extended evaluation study
Y Guo, J Bernal, B J. Matuszewski
Journal of Imaging 6 (7), 69, 2020
GTCreator: a flexible annotation tool for image-based datasets
J Bernal, A Histace, M Masana, Q Angermann, C Sánchez-Montes, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 14 (2), 191-201, 2019
Bright spot regions segmentation and classification for specular highlights detection in colonoscopy videos
FJ Sánchez, J Bernal, C Sánchez-Montes, CR de Miguel, ...
Machine Vision and Applications 28 (8), 917-936, 2017
Feature detectors and feature descriptors: where we are now
J Bernal, FJ Sánchez, F Vilariño
Feature Detectors and Feature Descriptors: Where We Are Now, 2010
Biomedical image analysis competitions: The state of current participation practice
M Eisenmann, A Reinke, V Weru, MD Tizabi, F Isensee, TJ Adler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.08568, 2022
Why is the winner the best?
M Eisenmann, A Reinke, V Weru, MD Tizabi, F Isensee, TJ Adler, S Ali, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
On-line lumen centre detection in gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopy
C Sánchez, J Bernal, D Gil, FJ Sánchez
Clinical Image-Based Procedures. Translational Research in Medical Imaging …, 2014
A region segmentation method for colonoscopy images using a model of polyp appearance
J Bernal, J Sánchez, F Vilarino
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 5th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2011 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20