Arnaud Chevalier
Arnaud Chevalier
Verifisert e-postadresse på rhul.ac.uk
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Entrepreneurial orientation, technology transfer and spinoff performance of US universities
RP O'shea, TJ Allen, A Chevalier, F Roche
Research policy 34 (7), 994-1009, 2005
Measuring over‐education
A Chevalier
Economica 70 (279), 509-531, 2003
The impact of parental income and education on the schooling of their children
A Chevalier, C Harmon, V O’Sullivan, I Walker
IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2, 1-22, 2013
Overeducation and the skills of UK graduates
A Chevalier, J Lindley
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 172 …, 2009
Parental education and child's education: A natural experiment
A Chevalier
Available at SSRN 553922, 2004
Does education raise productivity, or just reflect it?
A Chevalier, C Harmon, I Walker, Y Zhu
The Economic Journal 114 (499), F499-F517, 2004
Does it pay to attend a prestigious university?
A Chevalier, G Conlon
Available at SSRN 435300, 2003
The relative effect of family characteristics and financial situation on educational achievement
A Chevalier, G Lanot
Education Economics 10 (2), 165-181, 2002
The long-run labour market consequences of teenage motherhood in Britain
A Chevalier, TK Viitanen, TK Viitanen
Journal of population economics 16, 323-343, 2003
Education, occupation and career expectations: determinants of the gender pay gap for UK graduates
A Chevalier
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 69 (6), 819-842, 2007
Sheepskin or Prozac: The causal effect of education on mental health
A Chevalier, L Feinstein
University College Dublin. Geary Institute, 2007
The causality between female labour force participation and the availability of childcare
A Chevalier, TK Viitanen
Applied economics letters 9 (14), 915-918, 2002
Subject choice and earnings of UK graduates
A Chevalier
Economics of Education Review 30 (6), 1187-1201, 2011
Students’ academic self-perception
A Chevalier, S Gibbons, A Thorpe, M Snell, S Hoskins
Economics of Education Review 28 (6), 716-727, 2009
Recruiting and Retaining Teachers in the UK: An Analysis of Graduate Occupation Choice from the 1960s to the 1990s
A Chevalier, P Dolton, S McIntosh
Economica 74 (293), 69-96, 2007
A multi-country study of inter-generational educational mobility
A Chevalier, K Denny, D McMahon
Centre for Economic Research Working Paper Series, 2003
Estimates of the effect of wages on job satisfaction
R Lydon, A Chevalier
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic …, 2002
Graduate over-education in the UK
A Chevalier
Centre for the Economics of Education, London School of Economics and …, 2000
Anatomy of a health scare: education, income and the MMR controversy in the UK
D Anderberg, A Chevalier, J Wadsworth
Journal of Health Economics 30 (3), 515-530, 2011
Economic uncertainty, parental selection, and children’s educational outcomes
A Chevalier, O Marie
Journal of Political Economy 125 (2), 393-430, 2017
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