Ather Nawaz
Ather Nawaz
User Research
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Exercise and rehabilitation delivered through exergames in older adults: an integrative review of technologies, safety and efficacy
N Skjæret, A Nawaz, T Morat, D Schoene, JL Helbostad, B Vereijken
International journal of medical informatics 85 (1), 1-16, 2016
Usability and acceptability of balance exergames in older adults: A scoping review
A Nawaz, N Skjæret, JL Helbostad, B Vereijken, E Boulton, D Svanaes
Health informatics journal 22 (4), 911-931, 2016
A Comparison of Card-sorting Analysis Methods
A Nawaz
10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction ( APCHI), 583-592, 2012
Assessing Seniors’ User Experience (UX) of Exergames for Balance Training
A Nawaz, N Skjæret, K Ystmark, JL Helbostad, B Vereijken, D Svanæs
Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014
Designing for movement quality in exergames: lessons learned from observing senior citizens playing stepping games
N Skjæret, A Nawaz, K Ystmark, Y Dahl, JL Helbostad, D Svanæs, ...
Gerontology 61 (2), 186-194, 2015
Designing Simplified Exergame for Muscle and Balance Training in Seniors: A Concept of Out in Nature
A Nawaz, M Waerstad, K Omholt, JL Helbostad, B Vereijken, N Skjaret, ...
2nd ICTs for improving Patient Rehabilitation Research Techniques Workshop …, 2014
Website usability in Asia “from within”: an overview of a decade of literature
A Nawaz, T Clemmensen
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 29 (4), 256-273, 2013
Stakeholder attitudes toward and values embedded in a sensor-enhanced personal emergency response system
Y Dahl, B Farshchian, T Vilarinho, JL Helbostad, A Nawaz, AJ Nygård, ...
Interacting with Computers 28 (5), 598-611, 2016
Designing smart home technology for fall prevention in older people
A Nawaz, JL Helbostad, N Skjæret, B Vereijken, A Bourke, Y Dahl, ...
HCI International 2014-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2014
User Experience (UX) of the fall risk assessment tool (FRAT-up)
A Nawaz, JL Helbostad, L Chiari, F Chesani, L Cattelani
2015 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 19-22, 2015
Cultural differences in the structure of categories among users of clipart in Denmark and China
A Nawaz, T Clemmensen
Seventh Danish HCI Research Symposium, 11, 2007
Website User Experience: A Cross-cultural Study of the Relation Between Users´ Cognitive Style, Context of Use, and Information Architecture of Local Websites
A Nawaz
Copenhagen Business School (PhD Series;No.42.2013), 2013
Information classification on university websites: A cross-country card sort study
A Nawaz, T Clemmensen, M Hertzum
Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS) 34 (15), 528-542, 2011
Cultural Difference in Structure of Sategories in Denmark and China
A Nawaz, T Plocher, T Clemmensen, W Qu, X Sun
An exergame concept for improving balance in elderly people
A Nawaz, M Waerstad, K Omholt, JL Helbostad, B Vereijken, N Skjæret, ...
ICTs for Improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques: Second …, 2015
Cultural differences between Chinese and Dane in card sorting
W Qu, X Sun, A Nawaz, T Plocher, T Clemmensen
Proceedings of the 8th Pan-Pacific Conference on Occupational Ergonomics …, 2007
Information classification on university websites: A two-country card sort study
A Nawaz, T Clemmensen, M Hertzum
Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia …, 2011
Evaluation of information classification on websites and impact of culture: A cross country comparison of information classification
A Nawaz
IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 390-393, 2011
Using card sorting to explore collectivism in students’ approaches on a university website
A Nawaz, T Clemmensen
DHRS2010, 15, 2010
Cultural usability
T Clemmensen, A Nawaz, Q Shi
Snitker & Co", Copenhagen, Denmark, City, 2006
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Articles 1–20