Bojana Culum Ilic
Bojana Culum Ilic
Associate Professor, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of
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Cited by
Mapping and critical synthesis of current state-of-the-art on community engagement in higher education
PS Benneworth, B Culum, T Farnell, F Kaiser, M Seeber, N Scukanec, ...
Institute for the Development of Education, 2018
Učenje zalaganjem u zajednici-integracija visokoškolske nastave i zajednice u procesu obrazovanja društveno odgovornih i aktivnih građana
J Ledić, B Ćulum
Revija za socijalnu politiku 17 (1), 71-88, 2010
Facing new expectations—Integrating third mission activities into the university
B Ćulum, N Rončević, J Ledić
The academic profession in Europe: New tasks and new challenges, 163-195, 2013
Sveučilišni nastavnici i civilna misija sveučilišta
B Ćulum, J Ledić
Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, 2011
The methodological illumination of a blind spot: information and communication technology and international research team dynamics in a higher education research program
DM Hoffman, B Blasi, B Ćulum, Ž Dragšić, A Ewen, H Horta, T Nokkala, ...
Higher Education 67, 473-495, 2014
Zašto i kako vrednovati volontiranje
B Ćulum
Zagreb: Ministarstvo obitelji, branitelja i međugeneracijske solidarnosti, 2008
Civilna misija sveučilišta: element u tragovima?
B Ćulum, J Ledić
Filozofski fakultet, 2010
„Nisam sigurna što je, ali je bitno “-analiza stavova studenata Sveučilišta u Rijeci o održivom razvoju
N Rončević, J Ledić, B Ćulum
Suvremene teme: međunarodni časopis za društvene i humanističke znanosti 1 …, 2008
Early career women in academia: an exploration of networking perceptions
T Nokkala, B Ćulum, T Fumasoli
The changing role of women in higher education: Academic and leadership …, 2017
Youth work in Croatia: collecting pieces for a mosaic
E Bužinkić, B Ćulum, M Horvat, M Kovačić
Child & youth services 36 (1), 30-55, 2015
Literature review: dimensions and current practices of community engagement
B Ćulum
Mapping and Critical Synthesis of Current State-of-the-Art on 39, 47, 2018
Teorija i praksa rada s mladima: Prilog razumijevanju rada s mladima u hrvatskom kontekstu
M Kovačić, B Ćulum
Mreža mladih Hrvatske, 2015
Academics and service to the community: An international (European) perspective
B Ćulum
The relevance of academic work in comparative perspective, 139-162, 2014
i Ledić, J.(2011)
B Ćulum
Sveučilišni nastavnici i civilna misija sveučilišta, 0
Academics and Community Engagement: Comparative Perspective from Three European Countries
B Ćulum, M Turk, J Ledić
Academic Work and Careers in Europe: Trends, Challenges, Perspectives, 133-150, 2014
The academic profession and the role of the service function
B Ćulum, N Rončević, J Ledić
The work situation of the academic profession in Europe: Findings of a …, 2013
What role do Croatian higher institution play? A study on University Civic Mission
J Ledic, B Culum, S Nuzdic, L Jancec
Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI), 2008
Croatian Academics and University Civic Mission Integration: Possibilities and Constraints
B Ćulum
Branković, Jelena; Klemenčić, Manja; Lažetić, Predrag and Zgaga, Pavel (Eds …, 2014
Vrednovanje izvannastavnih aktivnosti: pogled iz studentske perspektive
V Kotlar, B Ćulum
Suvremene teme: međunarodni časopis za društvene i humanističke znanosti 7 …, 2014
Hrvatska sveučilišta u promociji volonterstva–primjeri koje treba slijediti. U: Ledić, J.(ur.)
B Ćulum
Volontiranje je cool: Društveno odgovorno Sveučilište–poticaj kulture …, 2007
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Articles 1–20