Minchao QIN
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Cited by
Regulating surface termination for efficient inverted perovskite solar cells with greater than 23% efficiency
F Li, X Deng, F Qi, Z Li, D Liu, D Shen, M Qin, S Wu, F Lin, SH Jang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (47), 20134-20142, 2020
Efficient hole-blocking layer-free planar halide perovskite thin-film solar cells
W Ke, G Fang, J Wan, H Tao, Q Liu, L Xiong, P Qin, J Wang, H Lei, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6700, 2015
Orientation regulation of phenylethylammonium cation based 2D perovskite solar cell with efficiency higher than 11%
X Zhang, G Wu, W Fu, M Qin, W Yang, J Yan, Z Zhang, X Lu, H Chen
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (14), 1702498, 2018
Stable and low-photovoltage-loss perovskite solar cells by multifunctional passivation
G Yang, Z Ren, K Liu, M Qin, W Deng, H Zhang, H Wang, J Liang, F Ye, ...
Nature Photonics 15 (9), 681-689, 2021
Modulation of defects and interfaces through alkylammonium interlayer for efficient inverted perovskite solar cells
S Wu, J Zhang, Z Li, D Liu, M Qin, SH Cheung, X Lu, D Lei, SK So, Z Zhu, ...
Joule 4 (6), 1248-1262, 2020
Unveiling the additive-assisted oriented growth of perovskite crystallite for high performance light-emitting diodes
L Zhu, H Cao, C Xue, H Zhang, M Qin, J Wang, K Wen, Z Fu, T Jiang, L Xu, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 5081, 2021
Performance enhancement of perovskite solar cells with Mg-doped TiO2 compact film as the hole-blocking layer
J Wang, M Qin, H Tao, W Ke, Z Chen, J Wan, P Qin, L Xiong, H Lei, H Yu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (12), 2015
Reducing Hysteresis and Enhancing Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells Using Low‐Temperature Processed Y‐Doped SnO2 Nanosheets as Electron Selective …
G Yang, H Lei, H Tao, X Zheng, J Ma, Q Liu, W Ke, Z Chen, L Xiong, P Qin, ...
Small 13 (2), 1601769, 2017
Fullerene derivative anchored SnO 2 for high-performance perovskite solar cells
K Liu, S Chen, J Wu, H Zhang, M Qin, X Lu, Y Tu, Q Meng, X Zhan
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (12), 3463-3471, 2018
Enhanced Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells with Low‐Temperature Hydrothermally Grown SnO2 Electron Transport Layers
Q Liu#, M Qin# (Co-first), WJ Ke, XL Zheng, Z Chen, PL Qin, LB Xiong, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (33), 6069-6075, 2016
Performance enhancement of high temperature SnO 2-based planar perovskite solar cells: electrical characterization and understanding of the mechanism
L Xiong, M Qin, G Yang, Y Guo, H Lei, Q Liu, W Ke, H Tao, P Qin, S Li, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (21), 8374-8383, 2016
MgO Nanoparticle Modified Anode for Highly Efficient SnO2‐Based Planar Perovskite Solar Cells
J Ma, G Yang, M Qin, X Zheng, H Lei, C Chen, Z Chen, Y Guo, H Han, ...
Advanced Science 4 (9), 1700031, 2017
A Systematic Review of Metal Halide Perovskite Crystallization and Film Formation Mechanism Unveiled by In Situ GIWAXS
M Qin, PF Chan, X Lu
Advanced Materials, 2105290, 2021
Fully High‐Temperature‐Processed SnO2 as Blocking Layer and Scaffold for Efficient, Stable, and Hysteresis‐Free Mesoporous Perovskite Solar Cells
L Xiong, M Qin, C Chen, J Wen, G Yang, Y Guo, J Ma, Q Zhang, P Qin, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (10), 1706276, 2018
Zwitterionic-surfactant-assisted room-temperature coating of efficient perovskite solar cells
K Liu, Q Liang, M Qin, D Shen, H Yin, Z Ren, Y Zhang, H Zhang, ...
Joule 4 (11), 2404-2425, 2020
Manipulating the mixed‐perovskite crystallization pathway unveiled by in situ GIWAXS
M Qin, K Tse, TK Lau, Y Li, CJ Su, G Yang, J Chen, J Zhu, US Jeng, G Li, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (25), 1901284, 2019
Composition‐tuned wide bandgap perovskites: From grain engineering to stability and performance improvement
Y Zhou, YH Jia, HH Fang, MA Loi, FY Xie, L Gong, MC Qin, XH Lu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (35), 1803130, 2018
Perovskite solar cells based on low-temperature processed indium oxide electron selective layers
M Qin, J Ma, W Ke, P Qin, H Lei, H Tao, X Zheng, L Xiong, Q Liu, Z Chen, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (13), 8460-8466, 2016
Precise Control of Perovskite Crystallization Kinetics via Sequential A‐Site Doping
M Qin#, H Xue#, H Zhang, H Hu, K Liu, Y Li, Z Qin, J Ma, H Zhu, K Yan, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (42), 2004630, 2020
Thiazole imide‐based all‐acceptor homopolymer: achieving high‐performance unipolar electron transport in organic thin‐film transistors
Y Shi, H Guo, M Qin, J Zhao, Y Wang, H Wang, Y Wang, A Facchetti, X Lu, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (10), 1705745, 2018
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