Erica Briones Vozmediano
Erica Briones Vozmediano
Profesora Agregada Serra-Húnter/Contratado Doctor, Departamento de enfermería y fisioterapia UdL
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Patients’ and professionals’ views on managing fibromyalgia
E Briones-Vozmediano, C Vives-Cases, E Ronda-Pérez, D Gil-González
Pain Research and Management 18 (1), 19-24, 2013
Desigualdad simbólica y comunicación: el sexismo como elemento integrado en la cultura
AD Verdú Delgado, É Briones Vozmediano
La ventana. Revista de estudios de género 5 (44), 24-50, 2016
A qualitative content analysis of nurses' perceptions about readiness to manage intimate partner violence
E Briones‐Vozmediano, L Otero‐García, M Gea‐Sánchez, S De Fuentes, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 78 (5), 1448-1460, 2022
Techo de cristal y desigualdades de género en la carrera profesional de las mujeres académicas e investigadoras en ciencias biomédicas
C Segovia-Saiz, E Briones-Vozmediano, R Pastells-Peiró, ...
Gaceta Sanitaria 34, 403-410, 2021
The social construction of fibromyalgia as a health problem from the perspective of policies, professionals, and patients
E Briones-Vozmediano
Global health action 10 (1), 1275191, 2017
Positive masculinities and gender-based violence educational interventions among young people: a systematic review
V Pérez-Martínez, J Marcos-Marcos, A Cerdán-Torregrosa, ...
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 24 (2), 468-486, 2023
“I'm not the woman I was”: Women's perceptions of the effects of fibromyalgia on private life
E Briones-Vozmediano, C Vives-Cases, I Goicolea
Health care for women international 37 (8), 836-854, 2016
Primary health care attributes and responses to intimate partner violence in Spain
I Goicolea, P Mosquera, E Briones-Vozmediano, L Otero-García, ...
Gaceta sanitaria 31, 187-193, 2017
Mechanisms that trigger a good health-care response to intimate partner violence in Spain. Combining realist evaluation and qualitative comparative analysis approaches
I Goicolea, C Vives-Cases, AK Hurtig, B Marchal, E Briones-Vozmediano, ...
PLoS one 10 (8), e0135167, 2015
Mapping and exploring health systems’ response to intimate partner violence in Spain
I Goicolea, E Briones-Vozmediano, A Öhman, K Edin, F Minvielle, ...
BMC public health 13, 1-18, 2013
Barriers and facilitators to effective coverage of I ntimate P artner V iolence services for immigrant women in S pain
E Briones‐Vozmediano, D La Parra, C Vives‐Cases
Health Expectations 18 (6), 2994-3006, 2015
“The complaining women”: health professionals’ perceptions on patients with fibromyalgia in Spain
E Briones-Vozmediano, A Öhman, I Goicolea, C Vives-Cases
Disability and rehabilitation 40 (14), 1679-1685, 2018
Burnout and job satisfaction among nurses in three Spanish regions
L Acea‐López, MM Pastor‐Bravo, E Rubinat‐Arnaldo, F Bellon, ...
Journal of nursing management 29 (7), 2208-2215, 2021
Undocumented immigrant women in Spain: a scoping review on access to and utilization of health and social services
M Gea-Sánchez, Á Alconada-Romero, E Briones-Vozmediano, R Pastells, ...
Journal of immigrant and minority health 19, 194-204, 2017
Percepción de las trabajadoras inmigrantes del servicio doméstico sobre los efectos de la regulación del sector en España
E Briones Vozmediano, AA Agudelo Suárez, MJ López Jacob, ...
Gaceta sanitaria 28, 109-115, 2014
Percepciones de pacientes con fibromialgia sobre el impacto de la enfermedad en el ámbito laboral
E Briones-Vozmediano, E Ronda-Pérez, C Vives-Cases
Atención primaria 47 (4), 205-212, 2015
Why do certain primary health care teams respond better to intimate partner violence than others?. A multiple case study
I Goicolea, B Marchal, AK Hurtig, C Vives-Cases, E Briones-Vozmediano, ...
Gaceta sanitaria 33, 169-176, 2019
Professionals’ perceptions of support resources for battered immigrant women: Chronicle of an anticipated failure
E Briones-Vozmediano, I Goicolea, GM Ortiz-Barreda, D Gil-González, ...
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29 (6), 1006-1027, 2014
Understanding sickness presenteeism through the experience of immigrant workers in a context of economic crisis
T Galon, E Briones‐Vozmediano, AA Agudelo‐Suárez, EB Felt, ...
American journal of industrial medicine 57 (8), 950-959, 2014
Health-sector responses to intimate partner violence: fitting the response into the biomedical health system or adapting the system to meet the response?
E Briones-Vozmediano, A Maquibar, C Vives-Cases, A Öhman, AK Hurtig, ...
Journal of interpersonal violence 33 (10), 1653-1678, 2018
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Articles 1–20