Sarthak Grover
Sarthak Grover
PhD, Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Cited by
FlowQoS: QoS for the rest of us
MS Seddiki, M Shahbaz, S Donovan, S Grover, M Park, N Feamster, ...
Proceedings of the third workshop on Hot topics in software defined …, 2014
Peeking behind the NAT: an empirical study of home networks
S Grover, MS Park, S Sundaresan, S Burnett, H Kim, B Ravi, N Feamster
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference, 377-390, 2013
Experimental study of mobility in the soccer field with application to real-time athlete monitoring
V Sivaraman, S Grover, A Kurusingal, A Dhamdhere, A Burdett
2010 IEEE 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2010
The internet of unpatched things
S Grover, N Feamster
Proc. FTC PrivacyCon, 2016
An experimental study of wireless connectivity and routing in ad hoc sensor networks for real-time soccer player monitoring
V Sivaraman, A Dhamdhere, H Chen, A Kurusingal, S Grover
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (3), 798-817, 2013
Flowqos: Per-flow quality of service for broadband access networks
MS Seddiki, M Shahbaz, S Donovan, S Grover, M Park, N Feamster, ...
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015
Facade:{High-Throughput}, Deniable Censorship Circumvention Using Web Search
B Jones, S Burnett, N Feamster, S Donovan, S Grover, S Gunasekaran, ...
4th USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI 14), 2014
A real time face tracking system using rank deficient face detection and motion estimation
V Saxena, S Grover, S Joshi
2008 7th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, 1-6, 2008
A Case Study of Traffic Demand Response to Broadband Service-Plan Upgrades
S Grover, R Ensafi, N Feamster
Passive and Active Measurement: 17th International Conference, PAM 2016 …, 2016
Flowqos: Providing per-flow quality of service for broadband access networks
MS Seddiki, M Shahbaz, S Donovan, S Grover, M Park, N Feamster, ...
Hot topics in software defined networking HotSDN 14, 2014
Mobility in the Soccer Field: From Empirical Data Collection to Modelling Correlated Connectivity
V Sivaraman, S Grover, A Kurusingal, A Dhamdhere, D Ostry, A Burdett
submitted to INFOCOM 2010, 2010
MS Seddiki, M Shahbaz, S Donovan, S Grover, M Park, N Feamster, ...
Proceedings of the third workshop on Hot topics in software defined networking, 2014
Routing in the Soccer Field for Real-Time Athlete Monitoring
A Dhamdhere, A Kurusingal, S Grover, V Sivaraman, A Burdett
submitted to IEEE Infocom, San Diego, CA, USA, 2010
HAL Id: hal-01071445
MS Seddiki, M Shahbaz, S Donovan, S Grover, M Park, N Feamster, ...
mPaaS: Delivering Mobile Platforms as a Cloud Service
A Gupta, S Grover
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Articles 1–15