Jani Erola
Jani Erola
Professor, INVEST Research Flagship Center, University of Turku
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Parental education, class and income over early life course and children's achievement
J Erola, S Jalonen, H Lehti
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 44, 33-43, 2016
Social mobility over three generations in Finland, 1950–2000
J Erola, P Moisio
European sociological review 23 (2), 169-183, 2007
Intergenerational accumulation of social disadvantages across generations in young adulthood
T Vauhkonen, J Kallio, TM Kauppinen, J Erola
Research in social stratification and mobility 48, 42-52, 2017
Labor and love: Wives' employment and divorce risk in its socio-political context
LP Cooke, J Erola, M Evertsson, M Gähler, J Härkönen, B Hewitt, ...
Social Politics 20 (4), 482-509, 2013
Social Mobility and Education of Finnish Cohorts Born 1936—75: Succeeding While Failing in Equality of Opportunity?
J Erola
Acta Sociologica 52 (4), 307-327, 2009
Luokaton Suomi
J Erola
Yhteiskuntaluokat, 2000
Luokkarakenne ja luokkiin samastuminen Suomessa
J Erola
Teoksessa J. Erola (toim.) Luokaton Suomi, 27-44, 2010
Sosiaalisen huono-osaisuuden ylisukupolvisuus Suomessa
T Vauhkonen, J Kallio, J Erola
The replaceable: The inheritance of paternal and maternal socioeconomic statuses in non-standard families
J Erola, M Jalovaara
Social Forces 95 (3), 971-995, 2017
Social workers’ perceptions of the causes of poverty in the Nordic countries
H Blomberg, C Kroll, J Kallio, J Erola
Journal of European Social Policy 23 (1), 68-82, 2013
Cumulative socio-economic disadvantage and secondary education in Finland
JM Kallio, TM Kauppinen, J Erola
European Sociological Review 32 (5), 649-661, 2016
Compensatory and multiplicative advantages: Social origin, school performance, and stratified higher education enrolment in Finland
L Heiskala, J Erola, E Kilpi-Jakonen
European Sociological Review 37 (2), 171-185, 2021
Does death really make us equal? Educational attainment and resource compensation after paternal death in Finland
I Prix, J Erola
Social Science Research 64, 171-183, 2017
Sibling similarity in family formation
M Raab, AE Fasang, A Karhula, J Erola
Demography 51 (6), 2127-2154, 2014
More careful or less marriageable? Parental divorce, spouse selection and entry into marriage
J Erola, J Härkönen, J Dronkers
Social forces 90 (4), 1323-1345, 2012
J Erola, TA Wilska, H Ruonavaara
Yhteiskunnan moottori vai kivireki, 13-28, 2004
Social inequality across the generations: the role of compensation and multiplication in resource accumulation
J Erola, E Kilpi-Jakonen
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Resource compensation from the extended family: Grandparents, aunts, and uncles in Finland and the United States
J Erola, E Kilpi-Jakonen, I Prix, H Lehti
European Sociological Review 34 (4), 348-364, 2018
14. Home Sweet Home? Long-Term Educational Outcomes of Childcare Arrangements in Finland
A Karhula, J Erola, E Kilpi-Jakonen
Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International …, 2017
Compensation and other forms of accumulation in intergenerational social inequality
J Erola, E Kilpi-Jakonen
Social inequality across the generations, 3-24, 2017
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