Yuhang Wang
Yuhang Wang
Assistant Professor, China University of Geosciences
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Enhancement of storage capacity of CO2 in megaporous saline aquifers using nanoparticle-stabilized CO2 foam
F Guo, SA Aryana, Y Wang, JF McLaughlin, K Coddington
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 87, 134-141, 2019
Discrete fracture modeling using centroidal Voronoi grid for simulation of shale gas plays with coupled nonlinear physics
Y Wang, M Shahvali
Fuel 163, 65-73, 2016
Analysis of hydrodynamic trapping interactions during full-cycle injection and migration of CO2 in deep saline aquifers
Y Wang, C Vuik, H Hajibeygi
Advances in Water Resources 159, 104073, 2022
CO2 Storage in deep saline aquifers: impacts of fractures on hydrodynamic trapping
Y Wang, C Vuik, H Hajibeygi
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 113, 103552, 2022
Coupled confined phase behavior and transport of methane in slit nanopores
Y Wang, SA Aryana
Chemical Engineering Journal 404, 126502, 2021
Striving to translate shale physics across ten orders of magnitude: What have we learned?
Y Mehmani, T Anderson, Y Wang, SA Aryana, I Battiato, HA Tchelepi, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 223, 103848, 2021
Numerical simulation of the impact of different cushion gases on underground hydrogen storage in aquifers based on an experimentally-benchmarked equation-of-state
Q Zhao, Y Wang, C Chen
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 50, 495-511, 2024
Pore-scale simulation of gas flow in microscopic permeable media with complex geometries
Y Wang, SA Aryana
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 81, 103441, 2020
Insights into scale translation of methane transport in nanopores
L Liu, Y Wang, SA Aryana
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 96, 104220, 2021
The FluidFlower Validation Benchmark Study for the Storage of CO
B Flemisch, JM Nordbotten, M Fernø, R Juanes, JW Both, H Class, ...
Transport in Porous Media 151 (5), 865-912, 2024
An extension of Darcy’s law incorporating dynamic length scales
Y Wang, SA Aryana, MB Allen
Advances in Water Resources 129, 70-79, 2019
Accurate modeling and simulation of seepage in 3D heterogeneous fractured porous media with complex structures
L Wang, Y Wang, C Vuik, H Hajibeygi
Computers and Geotechnics 150, 104923, 2022
Transport simulations on scanning transmission electron microscope images of nanoporous shale
L Frouté, Y Wang, J McKinzie, SA Aryana, AR Kovscek
Energies 13 (24), 6665, 2020
Efficient simulation of CO2 migration dynamics in deep saline aquifers using a multi-task deep learning technique with consistency
M Zhao, Y Wang, M Gerritsma, H Hajibeygi
Advances in Water Resources 178, 104494, 2023
The FluidFlower international benchmark study: process, modeling results, and comparison to experimental data
B Flemisch, JM Nordbotten, M Fernø, R Juanes, H Class, M Delshad, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.10986, 2023
A hybrid dual-continuum discrete fracture modeling approach for numerical simulation of production from unconventional plays
Y Wang
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, D023S099R025, 2015
Optimum concentration of fly ash nanoparticles to stabilize CO2 foams for aquifer and soil remediation
Z Wang, J Sun, Y Wang, H Guo, SA Aryana
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 242, 103853, 2021
Numerical investigation of stress-dependent fracture apertures and their spatial variations on production from unconventional gas reservoirs with complex fracture geometries
Y Wang, S Aryana
SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference/Low-Permeability …, 2016
Scaling analysis of two‐phase flow in fractal permeability fields
Y Wang, J Mckinzie, F Furtado, SA Aryana
Water Resources Research 56 (11), e2020WR028214, 2020
Analysis of nonequilibrium effects and flow instability in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
Y Wang, SA Aryana, F Furtado, V Ginting
Advances in Water Resources 122, 291-303, 2018
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Articles 1–20