Susan Goldman
Susan Goldman
University of Illinois at Chicago; Learning Sciences Research Institute
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Structural aspects of constructing meaning from text.
SR Goldman, JA Rakestraw Jr
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2000
Source evaluation, comprehension, and learning in Internet science inquiry tasks
J Wiley, SR Goldman, AC Graesser, CA Sanchez, IK Ash, JA Hemmerich
American Educational Research Journal 46 (4), 1060-1106, 2009
Students making sense of informational text: Relations between processing and representation
N Coté, SR Goldman, EU Saul
Discourse Processes 25 (1), 1-53, 1998
Comprehending and learning from Internet sources: Processing patterns of better and poorer learners
SR Goldman, JLG Braasch, J Wiley, AC Graesser, K Brodowinska
Reading research quarterly 47 (4), 356-381, 2012
Reading skill and the identification of words in discourse context
CA Perfetti, SR Goldman, TW Hogaboam
Memory & Cognition 7 (4), 273-282, 1979
Discourse memory and reading comprehension skill
CA Perfetti, SR Goldman
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 15 (1), 33-42, 1976
Relations between adolescents' text processing and reasoning
MBW Wolfe, SR Goldman
Cognition and Instruction 23 (4), 467-502, 2005
Toward a functional analysis of scientific genres: Implications for understanding and learning processes
SR Goldman, GL Bisanz
The psychology of science text comprehension, 19-50, 2014
Learning from text: Reflections on the past and suggestions for the future
SR Goldman
Discourse processes 23 (3), 357-398, 1997
Handbook of discourse processes
AC Graesser
Erlbaum, 2003
Extended practice of basic addition facts: Strategy changes in learning-disabled students
SR Goldman, JW Pellegrino, DL Mertz
Cognition and Instruction 5 (3), 223-265, 1988
Adolescent literacy: Learning and understanding content
SR Goldman
The Future of Children, 89-116, 2012
Information processing and elementary mathematics
JW Pellegrino, SR Goldman
Journal of Learning Disabilities 20 (1), 23-32, 1987
The construction of mental representations during reading
H Van Oostendorp, SR Goldman
Psychology Press, 1998
Cognitive aspects of constructing meaning through and across multiple texts
SR Goldman
Uses of intertextuality in classroom and educational research 317352, 2004
Learning in complex domains: When and why do multiple representations help?
SR Goldman
Learning and instruction 13 (2), 239-244, 2003
Evaluation of procedure‐based scoring for hands‐on science assessment
GP Baxter, RJ Shavelson, SR Goldman, J Pine
Journal of Educational Measurement 29 (1), 1-17, 1992
New directions in language and science education research
LD Yore, B Hand, SR Goldman, GM Hildebrand, JF Osborne, DF Treagust, ...
Reading Research Quarterly, 347-352, 2004
Memory for embedded and sequential story structures
SR Goldman, CK Varnhagen
Journal of Memory and Language 25 (4), 401-418, 1986
Making a difference in people's abilities to think: Reflections on a decade of work and some hopes for the future
JD Bransford, SR Goldman, NJ Vye
Directors of development: Influences on children, 147-180, 1991
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