On the non-unified nature of scalar implicature: an empirical investigation R Baker, R Doran, Y McNabb, M Larson, G Ward International Review of Pragmatics 1 (2), 211-248, 2009 | 129 | 2009 |
A novel experimental paradigm for distinguishing between what is said and what is implicated R Doran, G Ward, M Larson, Y McNabb, RE Baker Language, 124-154, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
The syntax and semantics of degree modification Y McNabb The University of Chicago, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Cross-categorial modification of properties in Hebrew and English Y McNabb Semantics and Linguistic Theory, 365-382, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |
Distinguishing the said from the implicated using a novel experimental paradigm M Larson, R Doran, Y McNabb, R Baker, M Berends, A Djalali, G Ward Semantics and pragmatics: from experiment to theory, 74-93, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Pragmatic inferences with numeral modifiers: Novel experimental data S Alexandropoulou, J Dotlacil, Y McNabb, R Nouwen Semantics and linguistic theory, 533-549, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Experimental work on the semantics and pragmatics of modified numerals R Nouwen, S Alexandropoulou, Y McNabb The Oxford handbook of experimental semantics and pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford …, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
An experimental investigation of ignorance inferences and authoritative interpretations of superlative modifiers Y McNabb, D Penka Under review, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Extraction and deletion in Palestinian Arabic comparatives Y McNabb, C Kennedy Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXII-XXIII, Selected papers from the …, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
The interpretation of superlative modifiers and deontic modals: An experimental investigation Y McNabb, D Penka Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 18, 271-288, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Degree modification across categories in Afrikaans R Berghoff, R Nouwen, L Bylinina, Y McNabb Linguistic variation 20 (1), 102-135, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
The processing cost of interpreting superlative modifiers and modals Y McNabb, D Penka | 4 | 2014 |
The likelihood of upper-bound construals among numeral modifiers Y McNabb, S Alexandropoulou, D Blok, S Bimpikou, R Nouwen Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20, 497-514, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Differences and similarities between scalar inferences and scalar modifiers: The case of quantifiers Y McNabb Semantics and Linguistic Theory, 267-287, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Standard fixing and context manipulation: An experimental investigation of degree modification Y McNabb Proceedings of sinn und bedeutung 16 (2), 447-460, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
An experimental investigation of superlative modifiers and modals Y McNabb, D Penka Under revision, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
The interpretation of superlative modifiers and deontic modals: an experimental investigation Y McNabb, D Penka Presentation at Sinn und Bedeutung, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Hebrew and Arabic Definiteness Marking as Post-Syntactic Local Dislocation Y McNabb Proceedings of the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Hebrew mamaš ‘really’vs. real cases of degree modification Y McNabb A paper presented at LSA Annual Meeting. Portland, OR, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
The effects of scale type and salience on the interpretation of scalar implicature R Baker, M Berends, A Djalali, R Doran, M Larson, Y McNabb, G Ward LSA Annual Meeting, Linguistic Society of America, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |